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M&S Pet Insurance offer top tips to potential pet owners

27th April 2010 Print

With April being National Pet month (3 April - 3 May) and RSPCA Week running from 26 April to 2 May, M&S Pet Insurance is offering top tips to potential pet owners.

Thousands of cats and dogs are abandoned in the UK each year, and almost a third (32%) of Brits become dog-owners through visiting an animal rescue centre.

Andrew Ferguson, M&S Head of General Insurance, said: "Becoming a pet owner can be a very enjoyable and rewarding experience, particularly when providing a loving home to a cat or dog that has previously been abandoned.

"But adopting a dog or cat can be a serious time and financial commitment.  Many pets find themselves homed in shelters because previous owners have had a change in circumstances, or they may have underestimated the cost of upkeep and time undertaking required.

"Potential pet owners need to give careful consideration to how any pet adoption might impact on their lifestyles and pockets before deciding on a new animal addition to the family."

M&S Pet Insurance offers cover for cats and dogs from eight weeks old, with no upper age limit. New customers receive a 15% online discount.

M&S Pet Insurance policyholders have access to a 24-hour advice line, 365 days a year. VetfoneTM nurses provide concerned animal lovers with immediate advice on a pet's condition and can decide whether emergency medical treatment is required.

M&S Pet Insurance pointers when looking to adopt a cat or dog:

Picking the right lifestyle pet - research has shown that one of the most popular reasons for owning a cat is that they are easy to maintain.  A person with a busy schedule and less time to offer, should consider adopting a cat as they are more independent and less demanding of time than a dog

Healthcare - vet bills can be costly and some breeds are more prone to illnesses than others.  Before adopting a pet, it is worth researching which breeds are prone to potentially costly conditions such as arthritis and diabetes.  By putting adequate pet insurance in place pet owners can safeguard against these costs.

Breed - the larger the dog, the larger the investment required in terms of exercise time and feeding costs on an ongoing basis.

Age - puppies will require more training time than if adopting an older dog. They may also require a greater upfront investment in terms of paying for vaccinations and spaying costs.