Ease your way back in to the school run
As summer draws to a close and parents frantically purchase new school uniforms, shoes and stationery for the start of the autumn term, the return of the school run lurks at the back of many minds. For parents dropping the kids at school or the commuters who share the same roads, rush hour can potentially be a stressful and frustrating start to the day.
According to research from Mondial Assistance, a leading UK roadside assistance provider, the busiest call out day for roadside assistance in September 2009 was on the second day of the month. In addition the highest number of call outs was between 8am and 10am. Over 10% of all call outs last September related to battery problems, such as a flat battery. Nearly 10% were wheel punctures and nearly 8% were caused by fuel incidents including incorrect fuel.
Lee Taylor, Automotive Director at Mondial Assistance commented, “There’s nothing worse than having car issues adding to the stress of the first day of the new school year. Mondial Assistance deals with roadside assistances throughout the UK and Europe every month, many of which are due to driver error and could have been avoided without much effort.
“Taking a few simple steps could therefore ensure a smoother school run. Some may seem like common sense, but you’ll be surprised at how many drivers forget after a two month break. Firstly, allow yourself plenty of time for the journey. This will not only ensure that you are calm as a driver as well as your passengers, but also provide a buffer if any problems or delays should arise. Make sure you stick below the speed limit and concentrate on the road rather than the kids in the back seat, no matter how much racket they’re making! This is especially important when driving close to schools, where children could unexpectedly step into the road. Finally, we would also advise that you keep the contact number of your roadside assistance provider in your car to ensure swift and convenient assistance.”
Make sure you have a stress free school run and avoid the risk of breakdown by following some Top Tips from Mondial Assistance:
Mondial Assistance School Run Tips
Time- leave plenty of time for the journey.
Safety- Ensure children are properly strapped in and wearing their seat belts
Speed Limit - Stick below the speed limit and concentrate on the road rather than the kids in the back seat.
Checks- Check tyre pressure and undertake a visual inspection on a regular basis to avoid the need to jack-up a car on the way to school as well as the oil and engine coolant level.
Fuel- Keep an eye on fuel levels
Numbers - Carry the contact number of your roadside assistance provider in the vehicle