An ‘oats’ so simple skin treat

Porridge for breakfast is seeing a surge in popularity, with celebrities like Kate Moss, Demi Moore and even David Cameron declaring themselves fans.
Hailed as the perfect breakfast by nutritionists, oats are high in fibre and protein and also help to lower cholesterol. But don't just get your oats at breakfast time ... oats are also exceptional to use on the skin; they're nourishing, cleansing, softening and extremely calming on irritations.
An especially good choice for winter is Lush's Oatifix fresh facemask (£4.95 for 75g), that's crammed full of nourishing oatmeal. Oats are often used to treat conditions like eczema and dry skin, as when applied externally they draw toxins from inflammations and ease itchiness - their starchiness helps the skin absorb moisture, so perfect for keeping it soft and supple during the cold winter months, which can leave skin dry, sore and chapped. Oatifix also contains ground almonds to gently exfoliate and mashed bananas to soften. Bananas are a powerhouse of nutrition and a great emollient, helping to lock in moisture to the skin - essential during winter. Illipe butter is added to help reduce redness, again ideal for keeping you looking beautiful against the elements.
Other fresh facemasks in the range include: anti-ageing Sacred Truth; chocolatey Cupcake; detoxing BB Seaweed; and blemish busting Cosmetic Warrior. All are £4.95 for 75g and are so fresh they have to be kept in the fridge and used within 3 weeks. All contain kaolin, which is a tightening clay so will help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles ... the perfect way to help your skin deal with the barrage of late nights and excessive behaviour the Christmas season is sure to bring!
To pick up these fresh facemasks or many more ethical, cruelty free cosmetics, visit Lush stores nationwide now. For shop details and mail order visit: