Ryanair survey finds mums prefer kid-free holidays
Ryanair has confirmed that while Mother’s Day may be just around the corner 90% of mothers prefer going on holiday without their kids, while almost 30% would prefer a holiday without their partner and the kids.
The survey of 5,000 mothers across Europe, by Ryanair Mother’s Day Gift Vouchers, also found that 95% of mothers prefer to avoid other peoples’ children when travelling.
The bad news for grandparents is that nine out of ten mums admitted they would ask grandparents to babysit while they were away, 5% would ask a sibling, 3% would ask a neighbour/friend but just 2% would trust their kids to stay ‘home alone’ (if over 16).
Ryanair’s Mother’s Day Gift Vouchers are available for purchase on ryanair.com right up to midnight Mother’s Day (3rd Apr). Vouchers begin at just €25 and can be redeemed online.
Ryanair’s Stephen McNamara said,
“Ryanair asked 5,000 mothers across Europe who they would prefer to leave behind if they opened one of Ryanair’s great value gift vouchers this Mother’s Day and nine out of ten said they would ditch the kids while a third would leave the whole family behind and head off for a shopping weekend with a girlfriend.
“Ryanair gift vouchers, which don’t oblige mothers to take their kids on holiday, can be purchased and redeemed online and start from just €25. All mothers have to do is drop the kids off at the grandparents’ house on the way to the airport.”