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A cleaner with pedigree

26th April 2011 Print
Bosch vacuum cleaner

The smart, new pet and carpet specialist vacuum cleaner (BSGL3205GB) from Bosch, will make light work of cleaning your soft furnishings and keeping carpets clear of pet hairs.

The new cleaner has an impressive pedigree - and a lot to live up to. Bosch has become the watchword for great-value vacuuming — equalling or beating the performance of rivals in test after test, and gaining several "best-buy" accolades in the process. Recently, two popular Bosch vacuum cleaners were named Which? Magazine's Best Buys with top scores.

The BSGL3205GB is ready to meet any challenge. It has a metal telescopic tube so the most convenient sweeping height can be set with ease. Its terrific turbo head actively brushes the carpet so the powerful 2,000W motor can capture everything trapped there.

The cleaner also has Bosch's superior AirClean 2 filtration and its excellent "Airsafe" system: the hermetically-sealed motor, filters and seals work together to completely control airflow through the cleaner. There are no leaks around filters or through tiny gaps, so dust and dirt stay where they belong — in the bag.

It offers great cleaning on all other surfaces too, thanks to its adjustable suction power and tools

Add this to the four-litre dustbag, on-board tools for crevices and upholstery, three swivelling, soft-coated wheels for maximum movement and floor protection, dustbag change indicator "bag missing" alert, parking and storage aids and a huge 10metre operating radius and you have a cleaner that is well able to live up to the Bosch pedigree.

"We know we make extraordinarily good vacuum cleaners the public loves," said Bosch Small Appliances product marketing manager Jane Lee. "But we are not complacent and we are continually looking at ways to maintain the same level of quality and innovation in future models."

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Bosch vacuum cleaner