Good Natured summer salads

For this season’s summer salad, look no further than pesticide residue free Tantalising Tomatoes, Cool Cucumbers and Perfect Peppers from Good Natured.
Good Natured use only natural predators (good bugs) to control pests (bad bugs) and disease, so you can be assured that the range is grown in tune with mother nature, pesticide residue free. The produce is both good natured by name, and good natured by nature as the packaging is both biodegradeable and recyclable.
Good Natured Tantalising Tomatoes are a sweet celebration of summer, bursting with sunshine and goodness. Serve tossed through a salad or sliced with red onion and dressed with a drizzle of olive oil and white wine vinegar. Alternatively try lightly grilling the toms on the BBQ with garlic and basil, then press the fragrant mixture onto toasted ciabatta and top with a slice of good mozzarella with salt and cracked black pepper.
Enjoy the sweet flavour and fresh aroma of Good Natured Cool Cucumbers in the quintessential British snack – a cucumber sandwich. Why stop there? Get into character and pop on a Boater, relax in a stripy deck chair and watch some croquet.
Good Natured Perfect Peppers add exquisite crunch to dips and mixed salads. Or with their skins removed and grilled, they’re a great standby for antipasti, tossed through pasta. For perfect grilling, cut each pepper in half and remove the ‘shoulders’ and the seeds. Place cut side down on a baking sheet and grill until the skin blisters and blackens. Pop the pieces of pepper into a bag and leave for half an hour to ‘sweat’ – this makes peeling the skin off a lot easier.
Good Natured Tantalising Tomatoes (Baby Plum Tomatoes, Loose Tomatoes 5-6 fruits per pack and Vine Tomatoes, 4 fruits per pack), Cool Cucumbers (whole cucumbers and mini cucumbers) and Perfect Peppers (2 per pack) are available in selected ASDA stores nationwide.