Petplan insurance sees rise in ‘plastic surgery’ for pets
If you think that cosmetic surgery is reserved for the likes of Katie Price and Donatella Versace, then think again because now it seems that even our pets are getting in on the act. According to Petplan, the UK’s largest pet insurance provider, ‘plastic surgery’ claims from pet owners are on the up. From facelifts and nose jobs to orthodontic work, it seems now our cats and dogs are getting the rock-star treatment with procedures to enhance even the droopiest nose and toothiest smile.
But fear not, the nation’s beloved moggies and pups aren’t following in the footsteps of the stars for vanity reasons, the rise in cosmetic surgery is to help them live healthier and more active lives. According to the pet insurance provider, claims worth a whopping £1.5 million were paid out on nose surgery in 2010 alone, with the majority of cases to either shorten a pet’s soft palate or widen its nostrils to help fix breathing issues.
And in terms of the most common health issues affecting our pets, it appears that Entropion - an inherited faulty eyelid condition that manifests in young adult dogs – is on the rise which is often fixed by an eye lid lift. In fact, Petplan cited 484 cases worth over a million pounds just last year alone. Marked by the eyelids scrolling inwards with excessive tearing and squinting, the lashes rub against the eye which often has a red and sore appearance. Breeds that are particularly susceptible to this include Bloodhounds, Bulldogs, Chow Chows, Mastiffs, as well as Retrievers, Rottweilers and Shar Peis.
And if you thought that you forked out enough for your own dental care, spare a thought for our fluffy friends as they still have to think about their gnashers too. Petplan is starting to see more and more pets have their teeth rebuilt which amounted to just under £220,000 of claims last year which includes procedures like crowns. This is proven to be better for the animal rather than removing teeth all together.
Petplan Vet of the Year Brian Faulkner says, “So called plastic surgery is something we have to do regularly to improve the quality of lives in the pets we see as well and repair injuries and deformities. For example, facelifts are commonly required in breeds with excessively drooping eyelids, skin grafts for wounds, soft palate trimming in short faced breeds.”
Isabella von Mesterhazy , Petplan’s Head of Marketing, comments: “We know that 99% of pet owners consider their pets to be an integral member of the family so it’s no surprise that they will go to any length to ensure that their pet is able to lead a healthy and active life.”
She continues, “With Petplan’s Covered for Life policy, your pet is not only covered for these types of genetic conditions which often require surgery but also for any ongoing rehabilitation or further treatment for the condition. Petplan has actually seen a dramatic rise in claims like genetic skin conditions. In fact, a staggering £1.5 million was claimed on genetic skin conditions in 2010 in the UK alone, so it’s well worth preparing for any eventuality.”
Junior a Blood Hound knows from personal experience about doggy ‘facelifts’ after having one in 2009.
Junior didn’t grow into the skin on his head properly so the weight of the excess skin was pushing forward and covering his eyes. Furthermore, he developed entropion, which caused a corneal ulcer and severe discomfort and if it was left untreated, he could have gone blind.
Thankfully, his owners sought the advice of specialist vet Gary Lewin through their insurer, Petplan.
Gary is an expert on ophthalmic surgery for pets and gave Junior a facelift. The claim came to the cost of £7,812 so Denise and David were pleased they had Petplan insurance! Dr Lewin, who performs hundreds of these types of operations every year, said it was one of the most severe cases he had seen. Since his facelift in 2009, Junior lives a happy life in Yorkshire with his owners Denise and David.