Over 55s don’t mind the gap
With students scrambling for university places this year, the ‘gap year' is no longer an option for many post A-level students new research shows.
Figures released by Post Office Travel Insurance have revealed only 19 per cent of students are currently considering a gap year or extended break, compared to a quarter of over 55s (25 per cent).
‘Grey Gappers' are now picking up on what was traditionally the reserve of young students, and jetting off abroad for an extended break. Intrepid over 55s will take a shorter gap travelling for just over three and a half months, compared to those under 35 who spend on average just under five months travelling.
However, over 55s will spend more to make sure they get good quality accommodation and the most from their time away. On average ‘Grey Gappers' will spend £4,136 in total on their trip - the equivalent of £53.03 per day - compared to under 35s who will spend £3,100, the equivalent of £30.10 per day.
Following the lead of students, the most popular gap year destinations for over 55s include back-packer havens Australia (36 per cent) and New Zealand (27 per cent). However their sense of adventure is also taking them as far afield as India (eight per cent), Vietnam (nine per cent) and Hong Kong (10 per cent).
Top Five Most Popular Gap Year Destinations for Over 55s:
1 Australia
2 New Zealand
3 United States of America
4 Singapore
5 Spain
Family Fun
Inspired by TV programmes such as Channel 4 My Family's Crazy Gap Year, two in five parents are excited by the idea of a family gap year and would like to embark on an adventure with their family (37 per cent).
Keen for their children to experience different countries and cultures, three quarters of parents think an extended trip abroad is important for their child's education (76 per cent). Another three in five would like their child to able to speak a foreign language, and believe that taking them abroad is a good way for them to learn (61 per cent).
However, whatever their age, gap year travellers are under-prepared for their time abroad and leaving themselves vulnerable. The Post Office research found that only a quarter of people planning an extended trip purchased a specific gap year policy, with six per cent not taking out any insurance at all.
Of those who did purchase a specific gap year policy, only two fifths (41 per cent) read the terms and conditions to check they would be covered for specific activities.
Sarah Munro, Head of Travel Insurance, Post Office said: "Age shouldn't be a barrier when it comes to experiencing different cultures and spreading your wings. Whilst holidays are a fantastic way to explore a new country, taking that extra bit of time out to travel and really get to grips with a place is great fun no matter how old you are.
"It's worrying though that so few gap year holidaymakers take out adequate insurance. If you're going abroad for an extended period of time the most vital areas to be insured for are medical treatment, repatriation in case you need to be flown home, and cancellation in case you fall ill and are unable to travel."
If you're aged 18 to 65 and planning a long trip abroad, the Post Office offers a Long Trip travel insurance policy which can offer you comprehensive cover for trips from three months up to a year. The Post Office also has an Explorer travel insurance policy aimed at people aged 18-35 planning a career or study break between two or 12 months in length. Both of these policies cover more than 90 activities as standard and even one visit home.
For more information about Post Office Travel Insurance, visit postoffice.co.uk.