Property Market
4 things to consider if you're thinking of becoming a landlord
Interest rates are remaining low and this is good news for anyone thinking of becoming a landlord in the near future.
Why should your next property investment be a new build?
If you’re thinking about embarking on your next investment in property, you’re probably overcome with choices. Do you opt for buy to let? Is residential or student accommodation the best option? Should you pick the north or the south?
A guide to downsizing your home for retirement
What options are there if you are thinking of downsizing your home for retirement? What are the benefits of retirement villages in terms of improving wellbeing and alleviating feelings of loneliness?
L&Q launches new Shared Ownership commercial to help buyers get PricedIn
When L&Q’s survey revealed that 81% of participants feel concerned, worried or stressed at the prospect of saving for a deposit, it was clear that many feel home ownership remains out of reach.
Homebuyers advised not to wait as house prices rise
House prices have risen again in the UK over the past year – which means that those hoping to buy a new home are advised not to wait.
Private landlords in England need to be prepared for increasing regulation
A specialist Commercial Property lawyer has warned that private landlords in England need to be prepared for increasing regulation following the publication of a Government consultation.
London’s largest first time buyer event celebrates 10th show
Over 4,000 visitors are expected to attend the tenth London Home Show, the capital’s largest event for first time buyers, on Saturday 3rd March 2018.
Fifth anniversary Help to Buy events hold key to more interest free payments
Five star housebuilder Barratt Homes is hosting an open weekend at its developments in the south west to showcase how homeowners who bought with Help to Buy five years ago can now move up the housing ladder and benefit from the scheme once again.
Bellway brings back popular pre-release Help to Buy event
Helping more first-time buyers get their foot on the property ladder, Bellway Homes is giving house hunters the chance to secure a brand-new home before they go on general release at their upcoming Help to Buy event.
Helping hand for customers saving for first home
Building society the West Brom has signalled its commitment to supporting first time buyers with the addition of a Help to Buy: ISA to its range of savings accounts.
Predicted Buy-to-Let Investment Hotspots for 2018
No-one invests in property for the fun of it. Every landlord chooses to rent out property in the hope of making money, whether that is through rental yields or capital growth.
Can garden villages help improve the UK’s housing crisis?
The state of the UK’s housing sector is a point of contention for everyone, from people in government to members of the public.
Top property hotspots revealed in the Selling Points Index 2018
The Selling Points Index 2018 has unveiled what cities are the most desirable for buyers and offer the best conditions for sellers to get a good price.
How climate change is changing architectural design
Generally, our population is now living longer, and as climate change threatens the existence of our planet, we’ve come to realise that it is time to carefully consider the future.
Top tips when designing your own commercial building
Of course, you know you won’t really be designing your own commercial building because you are not an architect or industrial designer, but you can have a say in what you want to incorporate into your design.