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Diets and Nutrition

Add some super powers to your New Year detox

Add some super powers to your New Year detox

After all the inevitable annual Christmas indulgence, BerryWhite organic soft drinks are set to be a firm favourite during that much needed New Year detox with its newly launched soft drinks packed full of exotic superfruits and high quality natural ingredients.

The Food Hospital’s Fibre Challenge success

The Food Hospital’s Fibre Challenge success

The Food Hospital Fibre Challenge app has had over 60,000 downloads to date following the return of the new series of The Food Hospital on Channel 4 last month.

Winter weight loss with Helen Lederer

Bulging waistlines are likely to be the fashion trend for many this season as ‘diet hibernation’ takes hold of the nation.

Add focus to your diet with diet assistant

Alportela Labs are delighted to publicise their highly successful healthy nutrition and lifestyle application, “Diet Assistant – Weight Loss,” available now exclusively across Android platforms free of charge, with a Pro version available at a cost of $2.99 (£1.98).

Sun Chlorella ‘A’ Granules for nutritional support on-the-go

Sun Chlorella ‘A’ Granules for nutritional support on-the-go

When a busy lifestyle results in making hasty food choices, it can be difficult to keep an eye on nutrition. To support a healthy and varied diet, new Sun Chlorella ‘A’ Granules offer high-quality, whole food nutrition in convenient 3gm sachets - perfect for your purse, gym bag or briefcase.

Does a high fat diet damage your brain?

A high fat diet may damage the part of the brain that controls appetite and energy expenditure which in turn dictates our weight.

Skill set key to sticking to a healthy diet

The ability to stick to a diet is linked to how efficient you are in a group of mental processes – according to research by University of Aberdeen scientists.

Eating right for your sight

Eating right for your sight

AMD affects the macula, the part of the eye that allows a person to see fine detail and gradually destroys the sharp, central vision, which is needed for seeing objects clearly, and for common daily tasks such as reading and driving.

The Victoria creates the ultimate break-faster for cyclists

The Victoria creates the ultimate break-faster for cyclists

Those inspired by Bradley Wiggin's triumphs in sporting history last month, may want to pop down to The Victoria in London, where they'll find the Bradley Yoggins, a highly nutritious breakfast designed for serious cycling enthusiasts eager to maximize the intensity and duration of their training!

Brits falling short of daily iron needs

Red meat is a useful source of iron in the diet, containing the highly bioavailable haem iron. Haem iron is readily absorbed and utilised by the body compared with non-haem iron which is found mainly in plant foods such as cereals, beans, grains, wholemeal bread and some green vegetables.

Could fish oil be key in protecting against muscle deterioration?

Could fish oil be key in protecting against muscle deterioration?

Consumption of fish oil combined with weight training exercises could help protect the elderly against muscle deterioration.

Natural Ayurvedic health tips for weightloss and wellbeing

Natural Ayurvedic health tips for weightloss and wellbeing

Dr Prasanna Kerur Ayurvedic Consultant at the Ayush Wellness Spa, Jersey advises the following natural tips to lose weight following your summer holiday and summer indulgences.

Work your way to gold medal abs

Work your way to gold medal abs

With British athletes going for gold, it comes as no surprise that the nation is becoming increasingly interested in our sporting champions – and their super-toned bodies.

Tips on how to prevent constipation

Tips on how to prevent constipation

Us bashful Brits are not normally ones to discuss embarrassing health issues, however, with up to 25 per cent of the population being affected by piles, there is no need to be embarrassed!

Hunger strikes: Breakfast in demand for school children

Hundreds of school teachers all over the country are reporting that some children are showing signs of hunger due to infrequent meals at home.