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Kim Kardashian launches QuickTrim in the UK

18th April 2012 Print

Kim Kardashian has launched a new weight management product in the UK which is available now from Rowlands Pharmacy. Kim will be visiting the UK to celebrate the launch in May 2012. Customers who buy any of Kim's QuickTrim product in the UK will be in with a chance of meeting Kim at the VIP event in London in May.*

Kim Kardashian's QuickTrim Essentials Kit is a seven-day programme that starts with a two-day cleanse followed by five days of meal replacement shakes to aid weight loss.

Customers worldwide have reported success and product satisfaction after introducing one or more of QuickTrim's weight loss and cleansing products.  Despite recent claims in the US, the products are in compliance with all FDA rules and regulations.

Kim says: "I like to stay in shape but like most women I don't find it easy. Rather than completely deny myself the things I like, I practice moderation, eating a well balanced diet and exercising regularly."

"I've put my name on the QuickTrim product range as it's a range that my sisters and I use when we need a bit of help getting in shape from time to time."

When Kim Kardashian's Essentials Kit product is used in conjunction with the recommended diet plan it gives the body a chance to eliminate waste products from the colon and decrease the amount of strain put upon the body's organs due to reduced sugar, salt, fat, protein, alcohol and caffeine intake.

Reducing waste from the body is likely to remove any feeling of bloatedness which often accompanies accumulation of waste material and gas in the colon, leaving the body feeling lighter and promoting healthier digestion.

The cleansing stage also means that the body is more prepared for the weight loss phase.

Once the initial two days have been completed, the body is in a better position to continue on a weight loss program.  As the normal diet has already been restricted, side effects due to dietary changes will have begun to subside. The customer will have a more positive outlook due to feeling lighter from the initial cleanse. This sets the scene for moving onto the weight loss phase with heightened motivation to succeed.

*Kim will be in London in May hosting a VIP event at the St Pancras Renaissance Hotel.  All customers who buy a QuickTrim product from Rowlands Pharmacy or will be offered the chance to enter a competition to be at the event and bring a friend.

Rowlands Pharmacy has over 500 branches throughout the UK and specialises in weight management. For details of your nearest Rowlands branch, or to find out more about the services Rowlands offers, visit

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