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What should you do if your vehicle is hit by a FedEx truck?

4th July 2022 Print

FedEx is among the leading courier service providers in the country. It employs over 42,000 drivers for its 35,500 vehicles that deliver packages to customers in America. In total, FedEx drivers cover approximately 1 billion miles per year. 

The presence of the many FedEx trucks on the road means exposure to the risk of getting in a FedEx truck accident. If you have been involved in a FedEx truck accident, this guide highlights what you need to do to improve the outcomes of your accident recovery process.

1. Seek Medical Attention

A fully loaded FedEx truck weighs many times more than a standard car. With such weight on wheels, the chances of an accident turning catastrophic or resulting in fatalities are high. 

Therefore, it is important to ensure that you seek medical attention even when you may not feel hurt.

You will want immediate medical attention even when you feel okay because some accident injuries may be masked by an adrenaline rush and may not be evident at the scene. 

At other times you could have suffered an injury that typically takes time to show, like a concussion or whiplash. Also, seeking medical attention helps create a clear paper trail that can be helpful when determining damages.

2. Call the Police

Always notify the police in case of an accident, even when you may not have apparent injuries. The good thing about having the police come to the scene is they will gather and document all evidence at the scene, which becomes critical in establishing liability.

After evidence collection and documentation, the police create an accident report which you can access from the local police station. Besides helping establish liability, a police report helps create a clear timeline of events which can help build your case.

3. Gather Evidence at the Scene

While you wait for the police to get to the scene of the accident, you may want to document the scene before anything or any person can tamper with it. All you need is your smartphone camera to capture pictures and video footage.

It would also help to get witness testimonies as soon as possible; otherwise, tracking them afterward may be a process. If you find anyone willing to help, ensure that you collect their contact information.

Also, collect the FedEx driver's contact information, the affected truck's license plates, and anything else about the truck that could help add weight to your case. 

4. Contact a Lawyer

If a FedEx driver's actions cause an accident in which you are injured, you have a right to file an injury lawsuit against FedEx for damages suffered. 

While a FedEx truck accident is similar to a car accident, it can get a little more complicated because of the type of evidence required to prove negligence and the high chances of the injuries turning severe. 

So you may need to ask a skilled accident lawyer with experience in FedEx accident claims for help with your case.

How a Lawyer Can Help in a FedEx Truck Accident

FedEx is a multinational company. So you can be sure that they will have access to some of the most brilliant attorneys. With such an advantage, your chances of getting fair compensation can be slim if you do not have a lawyer. 

Besides placing you at par with your opponents, a lawyer will help you gather relevant evidence, such as driver logs, truck maintenance/GPS records, truck dashcam footage, etc., to prove negligence in truck accidents. 

They will also engage the other party in negotiations on your behalf, compile and keep all the necessary paperwork and offer sound counsel that can help ensure you do not hurt your case through your actions. 

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