Rebuilding lives, regenerating communities, reducing environmental impact

Lives were lost, businesses were wrecked, homes were destroyed, entire communities in Alabama, Florida, Louisiana and Mississippi were wiped out, and the lives of hundreds of thousands of American citizens were devastated overnight.
The resultant situation led Americans from all walks of life to get behind massive public and private sector efforts to restore, regenerate and physically rebuild communities along the Gulf Coast in a region now dubbed the GO Zone, or Gulf Opportunity Zone.
The efforts that have ensued in towns and cities such as New Orleans and Biloxi for example, have been dramatic, impressive and truly uplifting. What’s more, the regeneration and restoration efforts are reaching the awareness of individuals around the world who have been invited and encouraged to get involved by the Government of the United States which offers significant financial and taxation incentives to all those willing to invest in housing related projects within the GO Zone.
One of the highest profile names to get involved with the efforts to reconstruct homes in the GO Zone is Hollywood actor, Brad Pitt.
From day one Brad Pitt saw a very real need to get practically involved with rebuilding in the GO Zone because of the size of the effort required; he also saw that someone needed to bring awareness to the communities, as well as those responsible for regenerating them, that new homes need to be constructed not only cost effectively and swiftly, but ecologically and environmentally consciously as well.
Brad Pitt’s humanitarian and environmental efforts through his ‘Make it Right’ charitable foundation have certainly helped to maintain international concentrated awareness on the GO Zone, and they have gone a long way towards ensuring that the restoration, regeneration and reconstruction of devastated communities happens in as ‘green’ and sustainable a manner as possible.
One of the initial questions asked by critics of individuals such as Brad Pitt who immediately began plans to physically reconstruct housing in the hurricane affected zones was: ‘is it wise to rebuild housing in areas of the country likely to again be affected by high winds and high tides?’ In response, critics are not only invited to meet displaced residents of these communities who yearn desperately to be able to return home and rebuild their lives, they are asked to review the construction methods and materials being used by those regenerating the GO Zone.
The main focus in the GO Zone among the most conscientious developers is on developing homes for residents that will withstand adverse weather conditions, survive devastating hurricanes and safely house residents. Great awareness and intelligence has gone in to the planning of new communities and as a result, the best constructors in the region are using the likes of Cold Form Steel to build the houses with for example. Cold Form Steel delivers superior structural integrity as it has a wind rating of up to 210 miles per hour, meaning that the homes that are being built using this material can withstand the fiercest forces of nature.
In certain areas such as New Orleans where there is a higher than average risk of flooding as well as high winds, Brad Pitt has personally commissioned architectural firms to come up with solutions to this issue as well, such as designing houses that will literally float on moorings like a boat if flood waters compromise levees around the city for example.
Another area of the GO Zone where great effort has gone into the ecologically intelligent design of hurricane robust homes is Biloxi.
In one particular development near Biloxi called Bayside Park, the architects and constructors set themselves the challenge of creating affordable, quality housing with as small a carbon footprint impact as possible. These houses also had to use the very latest, state of the art construction methods and materials to reduce the overall impact of the final property on the environment.
In a recent interview with Danny Silver, the managing director of Property Direct America which is the company behind the marketing and development of the properties at Bayside Park, Mr. Silver was keen to discuss the green aspects of the development.
“Our properties at Bayside Park are constructed from a frame that consists of 75% recycled steel, or Cold Form Steel. This is a superior construction material that is not only the most recycled material on the planet, but one that withstands high wind speeds and the threat of water penetration - making it perfect for construction within the GO Zone of course.
“In addition to this, the steel we use can withstand termites for example, and it helps to create an enhanced thermal and sound barrier protection for the property. This is of clear benefit to the resident’s of the property.
“To ensure our properties create as small a carbon footprint and environmental impact as possible, we have also included ‘green’ features in further elements of the design and construction of the properties at Bayside Park. For example, we use low impact NASA technology air purification, we use water purification systems that cut not only a resident’s costs but also their consumption of pure water, and we also include the highest energy efficient rated laundry system in our homes which eliminates the need for hot water within cycles for example.
“Ultimately we want to provide investors with an ecologically and financially viable product, and we want to provide their tenants with a superior, safe, practical and environmentally sound home.”
Investor’s keen to find out more about the substantial financial and highly attractive taxation benefits associated with buying property in the GO Zone for rental to residents of communities such as Biloxi, and who also wish to follow Brad Pitt’s example and invest in ethically aware, environmentally conscious and ecologically sound homes, are invited to contact Property Direct America for more information.
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