Biosphere Expeditions celebrates 'Tour of a Lifetime'

Biosphere Expeditions is celebrating after having a project selected to become one of National Geographic Traveler Magazine’s ‘2010 Tours of a Lifetime’.
The award winning, not for profit organisation which last year celebrated its tenth anniversary has seen its conservation work with the snow leopards of the Altai Republic in Central Asia singled out for this special recognition.
The project in a very remote part of the world surveys snow leopards and their prey species to try and help resolve human/predator conflict.
“We liked the combination of hands-on service and remote wildness that participants could experience on this particular trip,” said Norie Quintos, National Geographic Traveler’s senior editor.
“The selection process was competitive and our editorial team worked long and hard to find 2010’s most authentic, most innovative, most immersive, best guided and most sustainable tours.”
Commenting on the achievement, Biosphere Expeditions’ Strategy Director Kathy Wilden said, “To be one of the best 50 in the world is a great endorsement for everyone involved in Biosphere Expeditions and the conservation and scientific studies we carry out.
“The work undertaken by scientists and volunteers in the Altai Republic is providing unique data to help protect the snow leopard - a very beautiful, but endangered, species. This recognition by National Geographic Traveler will inspire us all to keep up our vital work not only in the Altai but with all the other projects we are involved with across the globe.”