Buy to Let
94% of landlords say tenant demand is stable or growing
Almost 100% of landlords surveyed, by specialist buy-to-let lender Paragon Mortgages, reported that tenant demand is currently stable or growing.
Fees transparency to ensure a fair deal for landlords and tenants
Letting agents will be required to publish full details of the fees they charge under plans announced by government ministers today (13 May 2014). The move ensures a fair deal for landlords and tenants, closing off the opportunity for a small minority of rogue agents to impose unreasonable, hidden charges.
Landlords show growing confidence in buy-to-let market
In line with trends in Q4 2013, landlords remain positive about the buy-to-let market a report by Paragon Mortgages has revealed.
Landlord views on availability of BTL finance on the up
Landlords’ perception of the availability of buy-to-let finance is now at its highest post-crisis level, a survey by Paragon Mortgages has revealed.
Paragon Mortgages launch five year fixed rate
Specialist buy-to-let lender Paragon Mortgages has launched a new five year fixed rate product specifically aimed at large-scale landlords.
2.89% tracker launched by Mortgage Trust
Mortgage Trust, the specialist buy-to-let lender, has updated its product range to include a new two year tracker at 2.89%.
Find out more about buying to let at The Heights
Savvy investors are being invited to a special event where they can find out more about the lucrative financial returns a superb buy-to-let apartment could offer them at Taylor Wimpey’s The Heights development in Coventry.
Paragon Mortgages launch lifetime buy-to-let trackers
Paragon Mortgages, the specialist buy-to-let mortgage lender, has launched a range of lifetime tracker products along with refreshing the rest of its range of fixed and tracker buy-to-let mortgages.
Landlords look to the New Year with optimism
Landlords are looking to 2014 with an increasing sense of optimism for the wider buy-to-let market and the performance of their rental portfolios, a report by Paragon Mortgages has revealed.
Landlords need to run property investments as a business
Landlords need to look at putting their property investments on a business footing as HM Revenue & Customs and local councils crack down on compliance.
Buy-to-Let can pay off at Taylor Wimpey’s Woodall Grange in Dudley
Taylor Wimpey is inviting people looking for an enticing investment opportunity to visit its sought-after Woodall Grange development in Dudley.
Rents higher than students are willing to pay in a third of university towns
Students in a third of the 25 largest university towns are in for a shock this semester as the amount of rent they are willing to pay is lower than the average on offer in their town, according to flatsharing website
Kensington overhauls Buy to Let range
Specialist lender Kensington has overhauled its Buy to Let mortgage range, cutting rates by up to 0.50%, reducing its Completion Fee to 2.00% and offering customers the choice between this or a flat Completion Fee of £1,999.
Metro Bank widens BTL mortgage range for professional investors
Metro Bank has launched two new residential Buy to Let (BTL) products for professional property investors.
Apartment dwellers need support
Hundreds of people have moved into apartments in Bristol without fully understanding the problems they might encounter as tenants, according to one of the city’s experts on management of residential blocks.