Buy to Let
Lawrence Square launch for landlords
According to the latest research from LV= landlord insurance , a surge in ‘part-time’ landlords across Britain is happening as people attempt to boost their income letting properties.
Student property gathers popularity as a mainstream investment
Over the past few years the property market has been gathering momentum and slowly returning to near where it once was.
Landlords flirt with short term mortgage deals
Landlords are shifting towards shorter-term fixed rate mortgage deals, where pricing remains ultra-low and predictions for increases in Bank Rate are pushed into the distance, according to the latest research from specialist mortgage broker Mortgages for Business.
The rise of the ‘silver landlord’
A third (32 per cent) of people aged 45 – 64 with a pension would consider using some or all of their pension pot to fund the purchase of a buy-to-let property as an alternative to a traditional pension income funded by an annuity, according to analysis by Direct Line for Business (DL4B), the small business insurer.
Property investment opportunities for buyers in the South West
David Wilson Homes is offering a major initiative to sell show homes at its developments in the region to new and experienced buy-to-let investors.
Buy-to-let investments are set to land retirees with big tax bills
Major changes to pensions could potentially be bad news for retirees looking to invest in buy-to-let property, as they could be hit by five separate taxes, according to Newby Castleman Chartered Accountants.
How ethical are Britain's landlords?
Contrary to popular stereotype, Britain's landlords are largely an ethical group according to research released today by Saga Home Insurance. In a poll of UK adults, 77% of tenants rated their current landlord as "good" or "excellent", with just 8% giving a "poor" rating.
Buy-to-let landlords report on steady quarter
The latest landlord research from buy-to-let mortgage lender Paragon Mortgages shows that landlords are still experiencing high levels of demand during the third quarter.
Skipton extends buy to let mortgage range
Skipton is launching a refreshed range of fixed rate buy-to-let products designed to give landlords even more choice.
Acton Gardens offers excellent returns for property investors
Thanks to the highly anticipated arrival of Crossrail in 2018, Acton has been highlighted by Rentonomy, the property letting website, as one of the top three areas in London to purchase a property to buy-to-let.
Buy-to-let celebrates 18 year milestone
The year 1996 was the year that John Major was in power, a little known band called the Spice Girls stormed the charts and just 4% of the UK population had access to something called the internet. It was also the year that buy-to-let was born.
Agent rebrands to form Go Global Student
Established estate agent Go Global Investments has taken the bold move to rebrand as ‘Go Global Student’. Having sold dozens of student housing units in the past 12 months, and with great faith in the sector going forward, its owners thought it wise to specialise.
Leeds Building Society cuts rates on Buy to Let mortgage deals
Leeds Building Society is reducing rates on some Buy to Let mortgages by up to 0.40% and introducing new five year fixed rate deals.
Average size of rental portfolio grows in Q3
Research by Paragon Mortgages has revealed that the average size of landlords’ property portfolios has risen for the second successive quarter.
Third of renters have never met their landlord
Of the people in the UK who privately rent their home, nearly one in three have never met their landlord.