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Handy stocking filler for gardeners - Perennial myBunjee

26th November 2012 Print
myBunjee keeps your phone safe

This Christmas, Perennial is offering a new, fun and fantastically practical stocking filler suitable for gardeners of any age… the myBunjee. Recently featured on Dragon’s Den, the myBunjee won the backing of Peter Jones, who invested £75,000 in the company behind this ingenious device.

We’ve all dropped and even broken a mobile phone at some point, and the myBunjee is a handy accessory that allows you to keep your phone close and safe while you are out in the garden or anywhere!

The myBunjee adapts to fit any handset. It simply slips over and secures your mobile, preventing it from hitting the ground or falling into muddy puddles by way of a coiled bunjee cord that clips to your jacket, belt loop or bag/handbag. The bunjee cord is also extendable to allow full usage of your phone while it is attached to you or your bag.

The Perennial myBunjee is available in three different colours: Lime Green, Hot Pink and Black and is priced £6.95.

It is available to purchase at

All profits go to Perennial, the Gardeners’ Royal Benevolent Society, which has been helping horticulturists in need since 1839.

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myBunjee keeps your phone safe