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How to create the perfect poster campaign for your big business

23rd January 2017 Print

Big businesses need to make a big noise. They need their message to be seen and heard by a large number of people to attract people to their products and services. 

One eye-catching way of delivering a clear message is through the power of the poster. The best posters have the power to turn heads in a way that few other items in the marketing toolbox can.

But what goes into making an effective poster campaign for a business?

Clear message

One of the most important things to consider right at the start is simply this: ‘what do you want to achieve?’. It can be really easy to get carried away, thinking that the point of a poster campaign is to come up with some artistic masterpiece, but if it you lose sight of what you’re trying to achieve then your efforts will be completely wasted.

Remember a poster campaign should have a strong call to action – whether that’s to drive people to go to a store, visit a website or call a number. Make sure your design is geared towards delivering this message – and that it doesn’t try to do too much.

Colour and image

Your poster needs to deploy colour and imagery effectively. Bold colours and striking pictures are a key way to turn those heads and lead people towards your call to action. 

It’s probably best to try to be consistent with colour and imagery across your packaging, branding and poster campaigns to help build recognition for your product.

Read all about it

Then there are the words. What you say is important, but so too is the way it’s written. A clear font that can be easily read from a distance, as Nest notes, is an absolute must. A few key words, used in the right font, is usually preferable to too much text.

Size matters

It’s not just the font size that you need to consider either, as the poster itself needs to be large enough to attract attention. It can, clearly, be quite expensive to pay for large billboards but the latest developments in printing technology are able to deliver large scale posters in a more cost effective way – see this B1 Format Digital Press for example.

Location, location, location

Where will your poster end up? That’s important for two reasons.

Firstly, you want to pick a spot that has a large number of people passing it every day. Ideally, not only would there be a lot of people passing your poster but they would also be the sort of people that are your target customers.

Secondly, the location might also dictate your design. If your poster is likely to be viewed from a distance, say, then you’ll need a larger font and bigger format. If it’s going on a white background, in a shop window or on a brick wall then your colour scheme might need to change.

Also, keep in mind that you can use a digital format of the poster – or an amended version - to promote your products on social media channels.