The Used Kitchen Company launches ‘The Big Green Postcard Drop’
Dedicated and dynamic kitchen recycler, The Used Kitchen Company (TUKC), is launching a sparkling new initiative – The TUKC Big Green Postcard Drop - to help its clients derive the feel-good factor that comes from saving a kitchen from landfill and finding it a loving new home instead.
In late 2017, TUKC launched its impactful ‘Skip the Skip’ campaign, to encourage more homeowners and kitchen showrooms to join the 10,000 tonnes of wood, quartz, glass and other materials it has already saved from landfill sites. It is now building on the success of this exciting and environmentally friendly recycling campaign, in a truly engaging way.
Firstly, it has created a brand-new ‘Skip the Skip’ logo, ahead of some of the biggest ‘green’ events in the British calendar – Zero Waste Week (September 3-7) and National Recycle Week (September 24-30).
The ‘Skip the Skip’ logo will be provided to any homeowner or kitchen showroom wishing to be recognised for their green credentials. They can utilise this symbol of environmentally friendliness as they wish, perhaps using it in their showroom’s marketing.
Additionally, during September and November 2018, anyone buying or selling a kitchen from or through will receive a blank postcard bearing an official Royal Mail ‘Skip the Skip’ postage stamp. TUKC is asking all recipients to do their bit to ease landfill strain, by writing something on this card, to encourage another person to follow the recycling example they themselves have set by becoming a TUKC customer.
Recipients are then asked to post the pre-paid postcard to a friend or family member, to give them a nudge and help spread the word that kitchen recycling matters. They can also post a picture of the Skip the Skip stamp on social media, using the hashtags #SkipTheSkip and #TheTUKCBigGreenPostcardDrop. TUKC will reward the sender of any business we receive from these cards with a £… amazon voucher.
The Used Kitchen Company’s founder, Looeeze Grossman, says: “The TUKC ‘Big Green Postcard Drop’ is designed to make kitchen owners think about what they are doing when they call time on a kitchen in their home or showroom, whilst also encouraging those looking for a new kitchen to get over the hurdle of ‘used’, see what a bargain a second-hand designer or high-street kitchen can be at a fraction of its RRP and support the concept of kitchen recycle.
“The Used Kitchen Company is proud to have been the champion of kitchen recycling for nearly 13 years and is ready to up the ante when it comes to encouraging buyers and sellers, from locations nationwide, to ‘skip the skip’.”
More information about The Used Kitchen Company, recognised by numerous recycling awards and one of Kevin McCloud’s ‘Green Heroes’, can be found at