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No7 - The new ‘Face’ of London Fashion Week

9th September 2008 Print
No7 - The new ‘Face’ of London Fashion Week    A new ‘face’ is set to take centre stage at London Fashion Week this September as No7 announces the make up sponsorship for top designer Osman Yousefzada’s show. The brand, spearheaded by celebrity make up artist and No7 creative director Lisa Eldridge, is set to rock the catwalk using the latest skincare and make-up products from the collection.

No7 will be at London Fashion Week, which takes place between 14-19 September, during Osman’s show scheduled for midday on Friday 19th at the Crystal Palace, Hyde Park. The runway make-up will be a collaboration between the designer and Lisa, with both parties working together over the coming weeks to finalise the look.

Lisa says, “It’s really exciting to be working with Osman on the show and I’m sure we’ll come up with something that will compliment the collection perfectly, although I can’t say too much at this stage. One thing I can reveal is that the look will be built on a flawless base, as I will be using the new Protect & Perfect Foundation on the models, which is set to launch in stores on 8th October. The ultimate beautifier, it gives similar benefits as the Protect & Perfect Beauty Serum and glides effortlessly across the skin.”

Osman agrees, “I’m very pleased that No7 are on board and working with Lisa is fantastic. We’re collaborating on a make-up look that will perfectly complement my new collection.”

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No7 - The new ‘Face’ of London Fashion Week