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Graduate schemes: the perfect career path after graduation

There’s a time, perhaps at the start of the third year at university, that graduates start to think about life after their studies, and the big, bad world of employment.

Singletons feel disgruntled paying out £280 a year on unsuccessful dates

Spending money on a date may be seen as an investment for the future but what happens if the date goes badly?

One in five parents do not trust their kids online

One in five parents do not trust their kids online

Half of parents of young children have admitted secretly going through their kids’ phone – with disturbing results, according to new research.

Christmas crafting with the kids

Christmas time is coming and everywhere you look, you can see lights glistening and decorations shimmering in windows along the street. Now is the time to start filling your home with Christmas spirit and Christmas crafts are an easy way to give your house a personal touch.

Parents spend over £3,000 on Christmas presents per child up to the age of 18

Parents spend £3,186 on Christmas presents for each child, on average, up to the age of 18, according to the latest research from Halifax.

Do animals have a place in children's classrooms?

There are many positives to kids growing up with a pet at home, a main one being that they are beneficial to the physical, social, emotional and cognitive development of young children.

What really makes a best friend?

Is it their ability to always trust each other? Or the loyalty they constantly display with each other?

Bromance over Romance: Men need men, study finds

Bromance over Romance: Men need men, study finds

Millions of men value their ‘Bro-mances’ above their relationship with their partner, according to new research.

How to launch your teaching career

A career in teaching is one of the most rewarding journeys you can undertake - you will play an active role in young people’s lives, inspiring and encouraging them to do more and try harder.

4 ways to predict your proposal: The engagement ring

4 ways to predict your proposal: The engagement ring

No matter how or when your husband-to-be decides to ‘pop the question’, there’s certainly one question that stands out among all others: What engagement ring is he going to choose?!

Families spend more time together than ever before

Families spend more time together than ever before

UK families are now spending more quality time together than ever before, according to new research.

Five ways to treat the women in your life

Finding appropriate gifts for women is not always an easy task; there are just too many options. Rest assured though that there is a perfect present for everyone on the high street or online – here are some ideas for the fabulous females in your life.

How to cut costs on back to school equipment

How to cut costs on back to school equipment

If you are currently trying to get organised for the big back to school rush, chances are you have already worried about the rising cost of school supplies.

The nursery teacher’s guide to essential pre-school supplies

Make sure the young children in your care are getting the right experiences to help them develop. Simply head to any nursery supplier, such as Hope Education (, and compile your essentials list. Here are some pointers to get you started.

Parents spend £2.9 billion preparing kids for the new school year

Parents will collectively spend an eye-watering £2.9 billion preparing their kids for the new school year, according to research by Santander Credit Cards.