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10 ways to add the personal touch to your proposal

There are many different ways to ‘pop the question’ from arranging a romantic picnic on the beach to taking your loved one out for a special dinner.

Lying to loved ones about debt - the true behaviour of cash strapped Brits reveals

Brits in debt play down the scale of it hugely, with people actually owing more than double the amount they tell their partners, according to the latest insight from MoneySuperMarket.

Millions of Brits relying on inheritance windfalls

One in three working Brits (35%) are relying on inheritance in order to achieve a stable financial future, but they could be in for a shock, according to a new study.

The average Brit has just three close friends

The average Brit has just three close friends

In a world of social networks and online communities taking ‘friendship’ circles and connections into the hundreds and thousands for most individuals, a new global survey by Mercure Hotels has revealed that the average Brit has just three people in his or her life that they consider ‘a close friend’.

Mama Bear acquires second Plymouth nursery

Mama Bear acquires second Plymouth nursery

A family run nursery group has acquired its second Plymouth nursery creating sustainable childcare places and more employment opportunities for the local area.

Is your power of attorney set up - if not, why?

No one ever wants to think of a time when they might not be capable of arranging their own affairs. This situation could apply to people of all ages, those involved in life changing accidents, or those who are affected by dementia or other debilitating conditions.

Friends and family first to go as couples cut wedding costs

Friends and family first to go as couples cut wedding costs

Cutting the wedding guest list is the UK’s favoured option when it comes to reducing the costs of getting married, new research from Nationwide Building Society shows, with women around 10 per cent more likely to reduce the numbers of family and friends than men.

The gift of time - survey reveals what Brits wish they had more time to spend on

The gift of time - survey reveals what Brits wish they had more time to spend on

In our busy lives, time is one of the most precious commodities and a new survey has revealed that 88% of Brits wish they had more hours and minutes available to spend doing activities that would make them happier and healthier.

Brits like to holiday with their partners - or at least men do

New research from AA Financial Services reveals who UK holidaymakers most like to go on holiday with – with some surprising results.

Children’s pocket money falls for the second year in a row

Despite some welcome relief on family budgets thanks to a recovering economy and negative inflation, children are not benefitting from any extra pounds or pence in their money boxes when it comes to the amount of weekly pocket money they receive.

More men than women in the Sandwich Generation provide day-to-day help for their parents

More men than women in the Sandwich Generation provide day-to-day help for their parents

With the population of over 65’s continuing to grow and the average age of women having their first child also rising, a growing number of people are coming under pressure to care for and support not only their offspring, but also their ageing parents, as well as holding down employment.

Ingredients for domestic bliss

The key to domestic bliss is four meals together a week, more than one tablet and a Netflix account, it has emerged.

The Price of Love: Average Brits splash £41 on Valentine’s Day

The average Briton forks out £41 on their spouse to celebrate Valentine’s Day, a recent survey has found.

Parents forced to finance graduates due to tuition hikes

The rise of education costs means parents have to continue to support their graduating children, even after university.

How to talk to your loved ones about money

How to talk to your loved ones about money

Being proactive with your savings can help to make your future financially secure. But with the current state of the economic environment, talking about money matters with loved ones can be a tricky subject to broach.