Price comparison websites continue to squeeze out big brands
Price comparison websites are squeezing out traditional financial brands online, taking more than 60% of all online traffic in the sector, according to the latest Stickyeyes Intelligence Report.
We don’t recall key dates from history because we ‘Google it’ instead
Our ability to instantly recall key dates in history is all but dead – because we’d rather ‘Google-It’, it has been shown.

Google Fiber: 4 reasons you shouldn't get your hopes up
Fans of high-speed Internet have been buzzing about Google Fiber since it was a glimmer in the tech giant's eye. Google Fiber promises connection speeds that leave even most cable and DSL providers in the dust, which is worth getting excited about.
A year in the UK: Google's Top Searches of 2012
Google has announced its annual Zeitgeist, revealing this year's most searched celebrities, Olympians, major events and hottest trends based on internet searches conducted in the UK in 2012.
Half of internet users unsure if content is legal
Nearly half of all internet users are unsure whether the content they are accessing online is legal, Ofcom research has found.

Google Street View goes diving on the Great Barrier Reef
In what could possibly be the biggest technological announcement since the moon landing, Google will today reveal the launch of underwater Street View for Google Maps.
Gmail in Google search results: Marketers will have a data gap to plug
Google has announced a trial which will enable people using the search engine to see search queries feature results from their Gmail account.
Food - fastest growing sector for mobile searches
Total retail search volumes grew 9% in the second quarter of 2012 compared with the same quarter a year earlier.
76% of people conduct online searches in two or more languages
It might be assumed that not many people conduct online searches in more than one language. However, results from a global survey undertaken by leading independent digital marketing agency, Greenlight, suggest quite the opposite, that a significant 76% do.
Google and Facebook will both be front and centre in 'social search'
Findings from a survey undertaken by leading independent digital marketing agency, Greenlight, indicate that Google+ might be more successful than most have initially speculated and that Facebook could potentially capture close to a quarter of the search market globally were it to launch a search engine of its own tomorrow.
Kindle and Blackberry attracting more searches than iPhone 4
Over 13 million UK searches were conducted online for consumer electronics in February with Amazon's 'Kindle' and Research In Motion's 'Blackberry' attracting more queries than those for Apple 'iPhone 4s'.
London Stock Exchange and Google sign data agreement
London Stock Exchange Group plc ("LSEG" or "the Group") has signed a data licence agreement with Google to allow it to distribute real-time ‘last trade price' data free of charge.
Meet Evi - The mobile app which takes the searching out of search
This month sees the launch of Evi, a revolutionary new artificial intelligence here to help with all of your everyday information needs.
Search Marketing Expo - SMX London dates announced
Rising Media and Third Door Media, producers of the Search Marketing Expo conference series, have announced details of SMX London 2012.
10 top tips for small businesses looking to promote their website
The internet promises a wealth of opportunity for small businesses as millions of consumers can be reached for relatively little money.