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Car Finance

Record fall in cost of car insurance

Motorists will welcome the biggest fall in car insurance premiums ever recorded by the AA's British Insurance Premium Index.

Volvo insurance premiums set to fall on models fitted with City Safety

Volvo insurance premiums set to fall on models fitted with City Safety

Thanks to Volvo’s City Safety Autonomous Emergency Braking (AEB) system, fitted as standard on all new Volvo models, drivers could see their insurance premiums fall by more than £100 the next time they renew their car insurance policy.

Summer lovin’ with the top down

Summer lovin’ with the top down

Mercury’s finally rising, spelling the arrival of summer and sending used car buyers out on the hunt for that cool cabriolet, with recent figures showing that a quarter of Britons list a convertible as their dream summer purchase.

Take the Direct Line to a replacement car after a write-off

From this week Direct Line customers will be able to choose to have a replacement car sourced on their behalf rather than a cash settlement in the event of their car being written-off after an accident or accidental damage.

Who'd have a Scooby-Doo? Souped up Subaru drivers safest on the road

The Subaru is shaking off its image as a ‘boy racer' classic. According to analysis by MoneySupermarket, drivers of the Japanese brand are the least likely to make a claim for an ‘at fault' accident on their car insurance.

Don’t give cash for cars AA warns buyers

Don’t give cash for cars AA warns buyers

Twenty per cent of used car buyers would pay three quarters of the value of a car in cash to secure a potential dream purchase.

Insurers sweeten the deal for young male drivers

The average quoted comprehensive premium for 17-20 year old males has fallen by a staggering 30.7% across the UK over the last 12 months, according to the latest Watson Car Insurance Price Index.

Insurance claims show motorists are more honest than ever before

The proportion of honest drivers coming forward after hitting a parked car rather than driving off without leaving details has risen, according to AXA's new Honesty Barometer.

Men over 50 fear uninsured drivers the most

Bickering about who's the better driver, isn't the only thing that most men and women disagree on when they get behind the wheel.

Drink driving towards higher insurance premiums

With the British summer having finally arrived, many Brits will be firing up their barbeques and enjoying the warmer weather with a glass or two, but being caught over the limit behind the wheel could significantly increase the cost of car insurance premiums, let alone put yours and others' safety at risk warns MoneySupermarket.

Outstanding finance top risk for used car buyers

Outstanding finance top risk for used car buyers

Channel 5’s Cowboy Traders has put the spotlight on the risks of buying used cars, highlighting that outstanding finance is a key concern for buyers and sellers alike.

Young drivers feel the pressure of high insurance premiums

Young drivers feel the pressure of high insurance premiums

Young drivers feel pressured into buying cheaper, older cars because they can’t afford to insure newer, safer models, according to a new survey of 1,300 drivers aged 17-24.

The automatic way to higher gearbox repair bills

Cars with automatic transmissions are more likely to fail and when they do they are more expensive to fix than their manual counterparts, according to automotive specialist, Warranty Direct.

Helping young drivers save money and drive more safely

With nearly half (39%) of young drivers claiming to have been involved in a collision since they started driving, Tesco Bank has launched Tesco Bank Box Insurance, a new product that tracks driving behaviour on a daily basis to encourage responsible driving, and help bring down the cost of motoring.

Renew car cover early to avoid last minute price hikes

Drivers who leave it to the last minute to renew their car insurance policy risk being stung by last minute premium price hikes, according to analysis from MoneySupermarket.