Car Security
How to avoid car theft - Cars which are most likely to be stolen
The least stolen car, based on's customer data, is the Ford Ka3 with no incidences of theft among 9,070 owners between 2004-2011.

Audi locks away five more Thatcham Security Awards
New and existing Audi models, including the already highly feted A1 premium sub-compact, have made off with a total of five category trophies in the British Insurance Vehicle Security Awards, held yesterday at the Motor Insurance Repair Research Centre in Thatcham, Berkshire.

RAM provides tracking support to Pedal for Parkinson’s
This year’s Pedal for Parkinson’s charity cycle ride to raise funds for research into a cure for the progressive neurological condition, will not only be the most challenging undertaken by the charity, but will be its most high profile to date.
Tracker helps police recover stolen vehicle in 10 minutes
TRACKER, the UK's leading stolen vehicle recovery (SVR) company has launched a brand new service specifically designed to help the police trace and recover stolen vehicles even more quickly.
Brits resistant to the sound of car alarms
Brits are suffering from ‘alarm apathy' and have become resistant to the sound of car alarms, according to a social experiment conducted in four major cities by the UK's largest insurer.
Tracker warns of dangers of selling your car privately
Thieves posing as potential buyers of an Audi RS4 robbed the owner and a friend at gunpoint in their London home, before driving off in the £27,000 vehicle.
BMW X5 is first choice for car thieves in 2010
BMW X5, Land Rover Range Rover, BMW M3 and the Audi RS4 remain the UK’s most desirable cars for today’s thieves, according to the latest figures from stolen vehicle recovery expert, TRACKER.
Basia Zarycka becomes a victim of car key theft
Famous fashion designer, Basia Zarzycka had a less than glamorous start to the day, when thieves stole her BMW 735L using just a bamboo stick with a coat hanger tied to it.
Car theft with keys continues to rise in 2010
The latest figures from TRACKER confirm that theft of cars using the owners’ keys continues to rise; 84% of all cars stolen and recovered by TRACKER in 2010 involved theft of keys.
Close legal loophole for car theft criminals, urges Tracker
Stolen vehicle recovery expert, TRACKER, is welcoming a new report which exposes a loophole in law which could be aiding car thieves. The report from the Royal Academy of Engineering highlights that the UK is dangerously dependent on GPS satellite navigation systems, which are vulnerable to attack from jamming devices.
£1,850,000 stolen vehicles recovered in January 2011
It has been a busy start to the year for TRACKER, the stolen vehicle recovery specialists, with 103 stolen vehicles recovered in January. TRACKER's latest theft bulletin shows that it helped police recover £1,852,399 worth of stolen vehicles, closing the net on criminals.
Classic cars easy prey for thieves
Classic cars will always have an appeal for those willing to forego today’s modern extras like power-steering and air conditioning for the thrill of owning and driving a timeless machine.
Car theft hot spots
This week, the media has highlighted several exclusive London postcodes as hotspots for car theft. Areas such as Chelsea, Belgravia and West Kensington have seen some of the highest rates of car theft in the UK, according to the research.
Protect against 'frosting' car crime
With the big freeze expected to continue across the UK over the next few weeks, Sainsbury's Car Insurance is warning motorists to be on their guard against ‘frosting' car crime.
Keep car thieves out in the cold
With the latest report of a motorist from Rhondda having her car stolen when she pulled over to clear ice from her windscreen, TRACKER, the leading stolen vehicle recovery company, is warning motorists to take extra security measures as the bad weather continues.