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Child Trust Funds

Lower minimum top-ups increase accessibility of CTFs

Following reports last week that Child Trust Funds, designed to give poor children a modest nest egg when they turn 18, are favouring the middle classes, Engage Mutual, a leading provider of CTFs, is urging other providers to drop the minimum top-up rate for CTFs.

Family Investments celebrates half a million Child Trust Funds

Family Investments, UK Child Trust Fund (CTF) provider, has become the first provider to open 500,000 accounts, just three years after CTFs were first launched.

James Hay adds SWIP European Income Fund to wrap platform

James Hay has added the SWIP European Income Fund to its Wrap fund range. The total number of funds now available on James Hay Wrap totals 1,305 funds from 56 different providers.

Confidence in CTFs spurs extra money

Parents and relatives continue to make extra contributions into Child Trust Funds (CTFs) in increasing amounts, according to the latest TISA quarterly survey.

Child savings boost in the New Year

Good intentions at the start of the year can give children’s savings a boost, especially if last year is anything to go by, according to new research from Engage Mutual Assurance.

Child Trust Fund has changed the face of savings

The Children’s Mutual has welcomed the figures from HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) which show 3.23 million children now have a Child Trust Fund (CTF) account.

Child Trust Funds for Christmas cash?

Many children will have been given money for Christmas this year on top of the countless toys, gadgets and clothes listed in their letters to Santa.

AXA goes for six with M&G

AXA Wealth Management's range now includes two further M&G flagship retail funds. The £1.1 billion S&P 'AA' rated M&G American Fund and £1.2 billion M&G Property Portfolio are now offered via AXA Life's pensions and investments platforms.

Gap widening in Child Trust Fund savings war

Parents are being urged to reassess their Child Trust Funds (CTFs) as the gap between the best and worst accounts widens.

Tesco launches Child Trust Fund account

Tesco Personal Finance has launched a Child Trust Fund account so that people will find it easier to save for their children’s future.

Children’s savings could be costing parents over £6,000 in tax

As 2007 draws to a close, Nationwide Building Society calls on the Government to bring about tax reform on children’s savings in 2008. The Society reveals that parents who regularly pay money into their child’s savings account could be faced with a tax bill of more than £6,000 over 18 years.

A good quarter for Child Trust Funds

The balances on cash CTFs rose £23 million in Q3 - up 32% on the same period last year, according to the Building Societies Association (BSA).

Twins get more savings

Twins are getting more paid in regularly to their Child Trust Funds (CTFs) by their parents than their single counterparts according to data from Engage Mutual.

CTFs create head start for children

The Child Trust Fund (CTF) scheme is creating a new generation of responsible savers and encouraging their parents to become the same, according to research from Family Investments.

Teenage dreams turn to adult nightmares

Parents are increasingly finding themselves making life-changing decisions to give their children any chance of avoiding financial disaster in early adulthood.