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Pension News

Just a quarter of over 50s to seek retirement advice

In little over a month, pension savers will be given greater choice as to how they take an income from their pension fund.

One in five planning to retire this year will have debts

Almost one in five (19 per cent) of those planning to retire this year will do so with debts outstanding, averaging £21,800, according to new research from Prudential.

Young people rush to start the retirement savings race

The younger generation is more likely to actively save into a pension than their older counterparts, according to data from the Friends Life UK Retirement Savings Map.

UK retirement savings hit as life-long impact of the economic downturn is revealed

The long-term impact of the global economic downturn will be felt for many decades to come, as almost half (41%) of UK workers stopped or reduced their retirement savings during the economic downturn, according to a new report by HSBC.

Schroders launch the Flexible Retirement Fund ahead of 'pensions freedom day'

Schroders responds directly to the government pension changes with the launch of a unique pre-retirement solution.

Pension tips for teenagers

An optimistic expectation of an £800 a week State Pension is an example of why teenagers soon to enter the world of work need a wake-up call about the importance of saving for old age.

More than one in four Britons risk being pension poor to support family

More than one in four Britons (27%) expects to come under pressure to lend their family money from unlocked retirement pots when the new pension freedoms are introduced in April, according to the latest research from the Centre for the Modern Family.

One in ten believe their pension will need to last just ten years

One in ten people (12%) believe their pension income will need to last just ten years.

Dispatches research reveals pension truth

Dispatches research reveals pension truth

In the greatest change to the pensions industry in a generation, from April those over 55 will have complete freedom to take as much as they want from their private pensions plans.

How to create a £1m pension fund for future generations

At a time when younger people are being urged to make savings to help maintain a comfortable standard of living during their retirement, many people may wish to consider helping their children or grandchildren’s future pension funds from a much earlier stage in life.

The rise of the ‘silver landlord’

A third (32 per cent) of people aged 45 – 64 with a pension would consider using some or all of their pension pot to fund the purchase of a buy-to-let property as an alternative to a traditional pension income funded by an annuity, according to analysis by Direct Line for Business (DL4B), the small business insurer.

Pension scams will increase with new pension freedoms

Criminals are refocusing their attention on those aged 55 and over who will soon have access to the new pension freedoms and flexibilities, according to Standard Life.

‘Pensioner’ bonds will pay the best available interest rates

The government’s 65 plus bonds will pay savers the best available interest rates.

Buy-to-let investments are set to land retirees with big tax bills

Major changes to pensions could potentially be bad news for retirees looking to invest in buy-to-let property, as they could be hit by five separate taxes, according to Newby Castleman Chartered Accountants.

Self-employed 'cannot afford to save into pension'

More than two out of five (43 per cent) self-employed workers have no pension savings and say they cannot afford to put money away for their retirements, according to new research from Prudential.