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Overseas Property

Remarkable figures put Murcia at a five-year tourism high

Remarkable figures put Murcia at a five-year tourism high

45.5% more foreign tourists visited the Spanish region of Murcia in the first five months of 2014 compared to the same period last year. This is the highest official figure since 2009 and British visitors account for almost half.

14 reasons to consider Brazil as the home of your next property investment

14 reasons to consider Brazil as the home of your next property investment

Even though Brazil’s hopes of being crowned the FIFA 2014 World Cup champions are dashed after a staggering defeat by Germany in the semi-finals, the Latin American powerhouse still boasts numerous other winning qualities.

House prices down by 0.3% in the euro area

House prices, as measured by the House Price Index (HPI), fell by 0.3% in the euro area and rose by 1.0% in the EU in the first quarter of 2014 compared with the same quarter of the previous year. These figures come from Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union.

Mallorca and Ibiza Sotheby’s International Realty - A half year review

Mallorca and Ibiza Sotheby’s International Realty - A half year review

The Balearics have been enjoying the benefits of a market in recovery for quite some time now. The news coming out of Mallorca and Ibiza Sotheby’s International Realty’s offices as they reflect on the half-year is certainly very positive.

Appetite for Turkey on the up

Appetite for Turkey on the up

Buyers’ appetite for Turkey’s property market is on the up.’s latest Investment Watch report finds that an apartment in Istanbul was the second most popular listing on the property portal in May 2014, the highest ranking the country has ever achieved.

Businesses moving outside U.S. over tax issues

When it comes to the big business, one of the dirty little secrets is that the United States still isn’t a place that is tax-friendly in terms of rates.

Ibiza and Mallorca tourist profile increasingly disparate

Ibiza and Mallorca tourist profile increasingly disparate

Latest research from Balearic Tourism highlights the growing difference in tourist profile between Mallorca and Ibiza. Whilst the typical Mallorca holidaymaker is older and chooses four star accommodation, across in Ibiza they are getting younger and more likely to rent their lodgings.

Cape Verde on the brink of a tourism boom

Cape Verde on the brink of a tourism boom

According to research by the World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC), Cape Verde features in the top ten countries in the world for long-term tourism growth (2014 – 2024). International property investors are already reaping the rewards.

Gibraltar’s ‘New Aloes’ creates a large space on a small rock

Gibraltar’s ‘New Aloes’ creates a large space on a small rock

With 2.6 square mile Gibraltar ranking fifth in the world for population density, just behind Hong Kong, space is in short supply. But the creators of New Aloes have managed to squeeze 9,526ft² of house, 4,402ft² of terraces and 6,243ft² of garden out of the Rock, and it’s turned many heads.

Brazilian economy set for US$3 billion boost as World Cup countdown begins

Brazilian economy set for US$3 billion boost as World Cup countdown begins

With only days until the 2014 FIFA World Cup kicks off, it’s all eyes on the largest country in Latin America, Brazil.

Barcelona property market heats up

Barcelona property market heats up

According to the latest figures available from Spain’s National Institute of Statistics (INE), house sales in Catalonia were up 43.4% in March over the same month in 2013. Barcelona accounted for 65.7% of those sales.

A French holiday home near the golf course and the ski slopes

A French holiday home near the golf course and the ski slopes

Plans for a small exclusive residential development for year-round use in the French Alps have been unveiled by the UK office of the region’s leading developer, MGM French Properties.

Italian property third most popular in the world

Italian property third most popular in the world

Italian property is now the third most popular in the world, according to The property portal´s latest Top of the Props report reveals that Italy climbed two places to reach third in the April 2014 chart, receiving more enquiries than both Spain and Portugal.

Balearics lead the way for foreign and high price tag property sales

Balearics lead the way for foreign and high price tag property sales

Official figures from the Land Registry out this month show that in 2013 the Balearics had the highest number of property sales to foreign investors in Spain, as well as the highest number of sales over half a million euros.

Interest in overseas property investment seeing sharp rise

Interest in overseas property investment seeing sharp rise

Sterling to euro exchange rates saw their best level in many months in the 2nd week in May following an ECB press conference. The President, Mario Draghi hinted that a change in the monetary policy was possible in June. This in turn led sterling euro to hit 1.2240 providing Euro buyers with exceptional opportunities to transfer money to Europe.