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Loan News

Debt collectors use social media to track down debtors

The Office of Fair Trading have warned that debt collectors are targeting people through social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter.

Loans to developing world entrepreneurs offer alternative Christmas gifts

A loan to an entrepreneur in the developing world could make the ideal ‘alternative' gift this Christmas, according to The Co-operative and CARE International UK.

Barclaycard announces additional £100k in educational grants

More lone parents are set to benefit as Barclaycard announces £100,000 in additional funding for educational grants, as part of the award winning Horizons programme, to help lone parents with education and training to get back to work.

Brits spend £9 billion every month paying off debt

One in four people are using over 40 per cent of their wages each month just to pay off non-mortgage debt, according to research from

Steer clear of potential loan scams warns OFT

The Office of Fair Trading (OFT) is warning people to steer clear of scam loan companies who take upfront fees but fail to provide credit or offer clearly unsuitable credit alternatives.

Payment Protection Insurance makes headlines for all the wrong reasons

For many years payment protection insurance was sold extensively by banks, credit card companies and other lenders.

Inter-family lending soars in wake of credit crunch

According to research released by Aviva into the ‘secret statistics' of lending between family members, there has been a significant rise in this trend in recent years, with two thirds of consumers (63%) stating that there has been an increase in family approaching relatives for money as a direct result of the credit crunch.

Graduates face 11 years of debt and a life on hold

Today's graduates face a future blighted by student debt and poor job prospects, according to new research from, the independent price comparison and switching service.

Nationwide Building Society calls for action on legal loan sharks

Nationwide Building Society has given its support to a parliamentary vote to bring in curbs on high-cost credit such as payday loans and doorstep lending.

Savings see a marked rise as debt repayments slow

Brits made a concerted effort with their savings in the first quarter of this year, with a notable rise in the level of money being squirreled away, the highest increase since Q2 2009, according to research from, the professional advice website.

I’ve been made redundant, will I lose my house?

‘Will I lose my house?’ is the biggest single question people ask Payplan’s helpline after they’ve been made redundant.

Fee v free debt advice – what to check before choosing

Fee v free debt advice – what to check before choosing

‘Nothing in life is free’ goes the saying - but when it comes to debt solutions and debt advice, there is an exception to the rule.

Are you sitting on a goldmine?

The nation is sitting on a potential goldmine worth £4.3bn according to a new survey from H&T Pawnbrokers, the UK’s leading pawnbroking company.

Brits hide money problems from partners

Brits hide money problems from partners

Not sharing a money problem with a partner is more common than you think, says Payplan.

Consumer confidence remains low as credit granted falls 7%

Consumers remain cautious about taking on credit, with new business falling 7% in March compared with March 2010, according to latest figures from the Finance & Leasing Association, the trade body for the consumer credit industry.