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Pets as therapy: How animals can help improve our mental health

The UK’s a nation of animal lovers, right? Research has discovered that almost 50% of the British homes have a pet, with just over 1 in 4 owning a dog, and nearly 1 in 5 owning a cat.

How a simple piece of tech saves lives with no formal training

Utter the word 'technology' in a crowded room and you will quickly hear discussions of smartphones and artificial intelligence ensuing. Technology is a big part of modern-day life.

Ending Menstrual Myths - Period!

Hands up if you’ve ever believed a period-associated myth. It’s likely that this applies to many women and debunking the myths of the menstrual cycle isn’t easy, regardless of how many periods you’ve experienced!

How your workplace can be mental-health friendly

For those suffering a mental illness or a period of poor mental health, attempting to go to work can be a great achievement. It can help to forge a beneficial pattern, stability, and sense of purpose and identity.

Why teeth whitening is better left to the professionals

Why teeth whitening is better left to the professionals

Over the past couple of decades, teeth whitening has become more and more popular. That Hollywood smile that people strive for no longer has limited accessibility, with many high street dentists and private surgeries offering teeth whitening as a treatment.

Famous athletes who made marijuana a lifestyle choice for themselves

Post its legalisation in many parts of the world, smoking marijuana has become a lifestyle choice for a great number of people, including many well-known sports stars.

The importance of a good work-life balance and how to improve it

Have you considered your work-life balance? It could be an aspect of your life that you should take a closer look at because almost a third of UK workers feel as though theirs is poor.

How you can improve your luck by changing your state of mind

How you can improve your luck by changing your state of mind

Some people seem to have all the luck, catching breaks wherever they turn. Luck is often seen as some kind of random force, but science shows that there are certain traits that lucky people share. Imitate them and you have the chance to change your luck for the better.

The impacts and costs of presenteeism

While many people in business might have heard of absenteeism, its counterpart presenteeism is perhaps becoming a bigger issue when it comes to employee productivity.

Why are maintaining energy levels so important whilst pregnant?

Keeping your energy levels up and taking care of your own well-being is vital following the birth of your baby, so much so we’ve joined with Lil – Lets to get their tips on how you can look after yourself!

How companies have been putting a spotlight on mental health

In 2019, business owners are putting a spotlight on mental health in the workplace. The average 9 to five Monday to Friday employee spends more than 25% of their lives at work, so it’s important that they are looked after by employers.

Breaking down health myths

Is there any truth to health myths? We all want to stay healthy, but should we pay any attention to those ‘old wives tales’ that have been in existence for years?

Want to supercharge your productivity? Invest in employee wellbeing

Your employees are your most valuable resources. No matter what your skills or talents as a manager are like, you need employees to manage if you want to turn those talents into profits.

Is vaping more appealing to kids than smoking?

Is vaping more appealing to kids than smoking?

There’s something about electric contraptions that really capture the imaginations of children. Invent a device that makes a nice little bubbling sound and blows out flumes of flavoured smoke and you’re bound to garner the attention of today’s youth.

How to improve mental health in the workplace

The media is rightfully putting a huge focus on our mental health in the UK. According to charity Mind, approximately one in four adults will experience a mental health issue each year.