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Outdoor play: Three reasons it’s so important for ensuring a child’s wellbeing

Cognition, wellbeing and the ability to cooperate with others: just three of the things that are enriched and improved in a child’s life through outdoor play.

COVID Risk: What Activities Should You Do During The Pandemic?

Six months into the COVID-19 pandemic, Americans are receiving a lot of mixed messages. Businesses and schools are reopening around the country, New York City plans to allow indoor dining starting at the end of September, and yet an average of more than 35,000 new cases are diagnosed each day.

Here are alternatives for all the glasses wearers

For many people, daily or monthly contact lenses are an indispensable medical aid, as are glasses, but if you want to get rid of this visual aid and still see better, you now have numerous options - regardless of whether you are nearsighted or farsighted.

What to do if erectile dysfunction is ruining your sex life

Erectile dysfunction is a condition that affects a lot of men around the world, and it can certainly get in the way of having a healthy and satisfying sex life with your partner.

Employee drug testing in Australia: What to know

Drug testing is for the recent history of drug usage of a person. It is performed for the detection of drugs, not for the impairment of harms caused by drugs. All of the steps of employee drug testing and screening checks should be documented and verified.

How to clear that to-do list and make more time for yourself

Do you find you are a slave to your “to-do” list, constantly rushing around trying to get all those items done, only to find you have zero time for rest, relaxation, and just plain enjoyment of life?

Here’s how to make that e-liquid last throughout COVID-19

We’re all in this thing together as far as the pandemic is concerned and it’s common across the world for people to reign in their spending and look for ways to trim down monthly expenses.

5 steps that will help you to get back to work after COVID-19

5 steps that will help you to get back to work after COVID-19

The coronavirus pandemic has been quite unlike anything that most of us will have experienced during our lifetimes. It’s therefore understandable that if you’re now preparing to return to your pre-COVID-19 way of working, or indeed embarking on a new job altogether, you might be feeling a little fearful or sluggish.

How to travel safely on public transport

Our lives have been turned upside down in 2020 as the spread of Covid-19 has sent vast parts of the world into lockdown in an attempt to limit the spread of the coronavirus.

Marc Zaransky on the Importance of Social Distancing Screens in Public Transportation

Marc Zaransky on the Importance of Social Distancing Screens in Public Transportation

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused a lot of changes to public spaces from painted circles in parks to ensure proper distancing and arrows on the floor of stores to plexiglass in multiple different venues, including public transit.

How to wear contact lens?

Many people who are new to contact lens do not know how to wear it properly. If you do not know how to wear contact lens properly, it can cause eye infections in the long term.

Let’s talk stigmas: Drugs and alcohol

What do you think of when the word addiction is spoken? What does the word mean to you?

Moving forward with Covid-19 with FEEVR and XLabs co-founder Todd Dunphy

Moving forward with Covid-19 with FEEVR and XLabs co-founder Todd Dunphy

X.Labs is a leading technology company in the area of public safety. The CEO and Founder of X.Labs is Barry Oberholzer. Todd Dunphy became the first investor, Co-Founder, and Chief Operating Officer.

Dr. Randall Gibb shares tips for staying healthy and listening to your body when you can’t see your doctor regularly

Dr. Randall Gibb shares tips for staying healthy and listening to your body when you can’t see your doctor regularly

The COVID-19 pandemic has thrown health care systems across the globe for a loop. Non-essential surgeries have been rescheduled, doctor’s offices have closed, and frankly, no one should be or wants to be going to the hospital unless it’s an emergency.

Six ways to treat a UTI without prescription meds

Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are one of the most common health conditions worldwide. According to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, up to 60 percent of adult women will have at least one UTI during their lifetime.