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Why are employee benefits importnant?

When it comes to hiring new staff, the question of who will be a right fit is paramount. Employers are looking for someone with the right skills, the right work ethic, and who meshes well with their current employees.

How pets can benefit your lifestyle?

Pets can bring joy to our lives, they can be loving, and we can share a deep bond with them, but have you ever wondered how much pets can benefit our health?

A guide to practicing mindfulness in the workplace

Employees are subjected to constant cycles of chaos and stress at work that are not only making us less productive but also impacting our health, both physically and mentally.

59% of UK adults experience workplace based stress… can technology be used to help improve mental health?

It’s becoming common place to see negative headlines were technology and mental health are concerned. Plenty of evidence has been published, reinforcing that social media and too much screen time can add to stress levels with the increasing risk of depression and anxiety, as well as problems with sleep.

How can you help manage pain with movement?

When managing pain, medication can be beneficial. But, are you aware of how movement and exercise can be helpful too?

Why glutathione is one of the best antioxidants

In recent years, glutathione has been one of the buzzwords in the online community. There has been an undeniable rise in the number of supplements boosting to improve glutathione levels in the body.

The most important part of a small medical practice

Nobody ever said that medicine was easy. If it was easy then there really wouldn’t be a need for it. As such, people should expect that running a medical practice will take a lot of hard work and effort. But at the same time, most people in the field report that it’s incredibly rewarding.

Ineffective treatment leaves patients with leg ulcers suffering – and the NHS footing the bill

Ineffective treatment leaves patients with leg ulcers suffering – and the NHS footing the bill

Throughout the UK, an estimated 500,000 adults experience leg ulcers which require treatment. A leg ulcer is often the result of venous diseases, such as varicose veins, that legs a gaping wound that is both painful and difficult to mend without intervention.

Protecting your staff - what are your responsibilities?

All employers have a responsibility to protect their staff in the workplace when it comes to health and safety. This includes providing the right training and risk assessments and ensuring employees have the right workwear for their role.

Ageing population around the globe

Thanks to a better healthcare system, medical advancements and lower child fertility rates, our population is ageing. Acorn Stairlifts, global provider of Curved Stairlifts compare how the population vary from region to region around the world.

How to maintain your independence as you age

As you begin to age, it can be difficult to maintain your independence as you struggle to walk by yourself and do some basic tasks.

Whiplash reforms face further delays but how are cyclists impacted?

Whiplash reforms face further delays but how are cyclists impacted?

No surprise that the Government’s controversial whiplash reforms have been delayed yet again; this time rescheduled to be introduced in April 2020.

3 ways to help you quit smoking for good

Kicking the habit isn’t easy, so if you’ve decided to try and stop smoking for good then there are a lot of options to help you. Below are a few ways to help you quit for good, and don’t forget that if you fail once, it’s always worth trying again.

Vaping just got easier with new pod system starter kits

The vaping industry is only getting bigger. More people enjoy vaping as a hobby, which is why brands and OEMs are innovating and releasing new products to meet the growing market demand. Aside from new vape liquid, there are also new mods and atomisers with intriguing new features.

Which countries live the longest?

Living condition improvements and all round better healthcare are both contributing factors to our ever-growing population and life span. But how does the ageing population vary around the world, and region to region?