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5 common misconceptions about online poker

5 common misconceptions about online poker

Online poker attracts legions of fans from around the world, and yet to those who have never fired up a casino site to try their luck at the virtual tables, it can feel like a closed-off and slightly mysterious community.

Home Cinemas: The Advantages

Home Cinemas: The Advantages

We are now living in an age where most things that previously had to be done in person can now be completed online. Whether this is a good or bad thing long-term is an argument for another day, though humans can agree the increased convenience is invaluable.

Global pandemic leads to record sales for New Jersey Lottery

Global pandemic leads to record sales for New Jersey Lottery

Some major world events happened in 1969. The Beatles performed in public for the last time at the infamous Apple Records rooftop gig, peace-loving music fans flocked to Woodstock, and Apollo 11 landed on the moon.

The gamers’ guide to finding something new to play

The gamers’ guide to finding something new to play

There are so many games released every single day across consoles, PC, and mobile, that not only can it be tough to keep track of them all, but ironically, tremendously difficult to find something that you actually want to play.

Virtual casinos capturing more of online gaming market share

While the impact of the COVID-19 crisis has not yet been fully analyzed in the online gaming sector, all signs are that virtual casinos have slowly been capturing more and more of the market share, drawing players from brick-and-mortar institutions to online platforms instead.

Types of casino tournament a new casino should feature

Just started your online casino and not show what type of games to feature? Understandably, you would want nothing more than an inflow of players who would stick to your brand as a new online casino owner.

Important bodies that verify game credibility of a new online casino

When players place bet on a game, it is with the mindset that there will be fair play, and anything short of this would be cripple the whole purpose of betting and compromise the player's fundamental human right.

Web programming languages for Whale Casino Games

Web programming languages for Whale Casino Games

The rate at which game development studios have built their businesses has shocked the public in a good way. Gaming is a rewarding industry for programmers to get into. Developing online casino games is another lucrative avenue they should consider.

Online casinos that accept PayPal in Portugal

What do you check at when you want to join an online casino? Some people check at the bonuses available and the Return to Player rate, while others check on the methods of transactions available on such sites. The majority of the gamers who joined gaming at its earlier stages were only used to making transactions through cash.

What makes a great online casino

What makes a great online casino

Do you recall when you had to make the trip from your house to a casino for some entertainment? Today, because of online gambling sites, you don’t have to leave your home.

How views on sports betting have changed

How views on sports betting have changed

In 1992, the Professional and Amateur Sports Protection Act (PASPA), was passed. The national law outlawed sports betting across the country with the exception of four states that already had legalized sports betting and were thus grandfathered in with the legislation.

Three sports venues which are pretty special

Three sports venues which are pretty special

When it comes to travel, it is always nice to have a few places in the city or country you're visiting mapped out before you go. Sports fans never seem to have a shortage of places to visit on their travels, as they tend to have a fairly extensive list in mind across the various sports they watch.

The history of poker, how and where the game of poker was invented

Poker is undoubtedly one of the best card games globally that will give you an awesome gaming experience, whether alone or with friends. It’s readily available on online casinos and land-based casinos.

Which online casino games are the most popular - and why

The online gambling industry has gone from strength to strength over the course of the last decade and is now looking to eclipse the traditional brick-and-mortar casino industry in revenue generated and in popularity.

Is gaming having an impact on other regulation?

Is gaming having an impact on other regulation?

As a whole, gaming is thriving across the board as the growing number of markets and changing audience and demographics are making the change faster than ever before – some of the biggest titles in the world particularly in esports are event starting to outpace traditional titles as numbers for the biggest events of the year are being surpassed.