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Diets and Nutrition

Healthier staff means better business

Healthier staff means better business

Hot on the heels of the CIPD's latest Employee Outlook survey showing a strong link between employee engagement and wellbeing, Ambius, the workplace environment consultancy has added fresh fruit delivery to its range of workplace services.

A mango a day

A survey by Asda reveals Brits’ taste for fruit is continually evolving, with three quarters (76%) of UK fruit bowls now containing up to five different types of fruit.

Dietitian uses food to make us fitter

Dietitian uses food to make us fitter

Coventry University are this week launching a revolutionary new cookbook and app that can help you use food to get fitter.

Plant-based power and hemp protein

Plant-based power and hemp protein

World class athletes need world class nutrition and who would have thought that you can get it from hemp?

Over 50s open up about size, diet and exercise

A new study shows that the over 50s are open and honest about being overweight and say that this is a big concern for them, but most admit they are not inclined to put in the physical exercise needed to change this.

New skin syrup for a rosier complexion

New skin syrup for a rosier complexion

Rosehips have been prized by herbalists for centuries, but they have recently become of even greater interest to dermatologists, who have found they are packed with natural goodies thought to help fight the signs of aging.

Older people suffering from negative body image

Older people suffering from negative body image

A Wedmore-based national charity that helps those with eating disorders says an increasing number of older people are suffering from anorexia and bulimia.

The (not so) sweet truth

The world's obesity problem shows no signs of slowing and recent research claims that it is not our caloric intake or exercise regime that has changed over the last 50 years; it is the sheer amount of sugar in our food.

Tobia Teff adds to its range of gluten-free products

Tobia Teff adds to its range of gluten-free products

Teff, a gluten-free grain packed full of nutrients including iron, calcium, magnesium and vitamins B and C, whilst low in calories, is a staple of the Ethiopian and Eritrean diet, and is available to the UK market in an increasing range of products from Tobia-Teff.

Can honey really help you become an Olympic athlete?

Can honey really help you become an Olympic athlete?

To help ensure optimum health and fitness this summer Olympic hopefuls Jon Schofield, Liam Heath and Rachel Cawthorn are including a new kind of honey in their diet - Active Rainforest Honey.

The ginger way to stop cravings

The ginger way to stop cravings

A new study on ginger consumption suggests there could be more to the spice than just flavouring your food.

Future of free nursery milk secured

Plans to secure the future of a fair and cost effective way to offer free milk to all nursery children have been set out by Public Health Minister Anne Milton as she launched a consultation on how the scheme operates.

New eco-luxe, drop a dress size retreat for New You Boot Camp

New eco-luxe, drop a dress size retreat for New You Boot Camp

New You Boot Camp has teamed up with award-winning eco-luxe destination AlmaVerde Village & Spa, in the Western Algarve of Portugal, to deliver our unique weight loss and fitness boot camps.

Easy ways to snack for success

This year is going to be big for fitness fanatics in the UK, there are a whole host of sporting events from the Olympics to the European Football Championships taking place, which are sure to persuade Brits to pull on those trainers and get outdoors.

Kim Kardashian in the UK to launch QuickTrim

Kim Kardashian in the UK to launch QuickTrim

Kim Kardashian was in the UK last week to launch a new weight management product, QuickTrim.