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Spending Habits

Average holiday costs £920 - but quarter of this goes on extras like clothes

Holidays can be expensive occasions, and new research has revealed that nearly a quarter (24%) of the average getaway budget goes towards extras. Indeed, people in the UK spend nearly a tenth (8.7%) of their total vacation budget before they have even reached their destination.

Britons prioritise bricks and mortar over white wedding

Britons are turning their backs on the big white wedding in favour of getting on the property ladder, according to research by HSBC.

Brits becoming consolidation nation

The secret to an easier life and feeling in control could rest with consolidation, research from Standard Life by YouGov has found. More than half (55%) of British adults are now combining services and accounts.

Bronzed, buff and broke

People are potentially spending thousands of pounds a year on non-essentials like eating in restaurants, going out and alcohol.

Fear of appearing ‘tight’ fuels UK overspending

While most of us can empathise with the feeling of overspending on a night out or social occasion, new research among 3,000 UK adults from the Money Advice Service has shown that 48% of the nation admit to falling into debt as a result of their social lives.

Parents to splash out almost £500 entertaining kids this summer

UK parents will splash out £492 entertaining their children this summer – a 26 per cent increase on last year suggesting that parents are feeling a renewed sense of confidence, according to Post Office’s annual Parents’ Summer Spending Report.

Yoyo Brits in a spin when it comes to money

Almost half (47%) of Brits are up and down like a yoyo when it comes to money making savvy savings one moment to justify overspending the next, according to research from, Standard Life by YouGov Plc.

Football fans to spend £605 million on World Cup patch-ups

Football fans across the UK are preparing to sacrifice their hard-earned cash as four million of them say they will spoil their partner with various gifts and gestures in compensation for the time they spend watching the World Cup.

UK debit card spending continues to increase

A quarter of Brits (25%) with a debit card now use it more frequently than they did 12 months ago, according to research from M&S Bank. This compares to one in five (20%) credit card holders who say they use their credit card more frequently than they did a year ago.

British public 'out of touch' with cost of everyday items

With the major political parties at odds over whether the 'cost-of-living' crisis is over or not, a new survey has shown that many people in Great Britain are in the dark over the true cost of several everyday goods.

Quarter of households still have a housekeeping budget

Perhaps surprisingly, the tradition of maintaining a housekeeping budget is alive and well in many UK homes.

Savvy shopping starts at 30

People are now getting married at 30 and buying their first home at 35. New research also reveals the thirties is the decade when most people’s confidence increases about being clever with their money.

UK first-time parents spend £492 million preparing for baby

First-time UK parents spend more than £492 million each year, preparing for the arrival of their first baby, according to research from life insurance provider Aviva. This equates to £1,619 per family and shows a 17% increase to the £1,389 total in March 2012.

Singletons spend £1,536 more a year than coupled-up Brits

Singletons spend more on vanity products and clothes than those of us in relationships do, a new study has found. The study of 2,000 adults found marked differences in personal spending between those in couples and those who are yet to find love.

Economy on the mend but families still feeling squeezed

The first Lloyds Bank Family Finances report reveals the disconnect between the positive economic outlook and how Britain’s families are continuing to feel financially squeezed.