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Spending Habits

Diva behaviour costs UK couples £2,640 per year

Over a third of UK couples are spiralling into debt as a result of indulging their partner's diva demands, according to new research from Quidco.

UK households would struggle to find an extra £99 a month for bills

Low wage inflation and increases in the cost of goods and services mean UK households are now at full stretch financially, with almost half (46%) admitting they would find it difficult to cope if their monthly outgoings increased by up to £99, according to research from Halifax.

Easter fails to breathe new life into spending power

There was little respite for consumers in March as weak income growth continued to put downward pressure on household budgets, leaving discretionary spending power after inflation in negative territory for the fourth consecutive month, according to the latest Lloyds TSB Spending Power Report.

Women set themselves budgets - but men are more likely to stick to them

Men are the best at budgeting while women are actually more thrifty, a study into household finances has revealed. A detailed study has found that despite women traditionally holding the purse strings, it’s men who have better control of their cash.

Money worries hit home in your 40s

Every generation has distinct spending patterns and attitudes towards money, but the tendency to gloss over worries over tighter finances is widespread, according to research from Halifax.

At 30, is the £1 coin having a midlife crisis?

As the pound coin celebrates its thirtieth anniversary on 21 April, new research reveals that while cash remains king for small ticket items such as newspapers and magazines, over half of Brits (53%) prefer to use plastic for most of their purchases.

One-stop shops: Shoppers hit supermarkets for non-food items

Eight million (16 per cent) shoppers say they are now using supermarkets as ‘one-stop shops’ by purchasing all their non-food items as well as food products there, according to research from Santander 123 cashback credit card.

Expert tips on avoiding a gloomy start to your new financial year

Expert tips on avoiding a gloomy start to your new financial year

April marks the beginning of the new financial year, but despite narrowly missing the advent of a triple dip recession, the unveiling of a gloomy budget reveals that this year is likely to look very similar to the last.

Annual cost of owning and running a home rises by £179

The annual expense of owning and running a house has increased by £179 over the past year, according to new research by Halifax.

Families cut back on food to stay in their homes

A YouGov survey of 4,000 adults found that four out of ten families with children (42%) - equivalent to 5.5 million - said they'd cut back on food last year to help pay for their homes.

More desperation than aspiration

Hopes of an ‘aspirational' Budget have been shattered with consumers fearing for both the economy and their own financial situation, according to new data from

Spending power falls as many consumers expect further squeeze

The Lloyds TSB Spending Power Report reveals that, after inflation, spending power fell to -1.1% in February, meaning consumers had the equivalent of approximately £10 less a month to spend on non-essential items.

Household bills rise 25% since 2008

The cost of running a household has risen by 25% in the last five years, with some bills having soared by an eye-watering 67%, according to data from

Has the recession spelled the end of the big weekly shop?

As rising living costs and tight budgets continue to take their toll, people are getting smarter about the way they shop, according to research from budgeting account provider thinkmoney.

Bargain-obsessed Brits save £452 a year by discount shopping

More than four in five (82 per cent) Britons say they are regular users of discount sites, cashback rewards and other means of securing discounted prices, according to research from Santander 123.