Broadband competition reaches 7 million milestone
The number of unbundled lines - where rival communications providers such as Sky or TalkTalk offer services over BT's copper telephone network - has passed the 7 million mark.
Broadband users put off by switching provider
Nearly half (45%) of consumers with broadband or a landline think that switching communications provider is too much hassle, according to research by Ofcom.
Broadband is last spending cut for Scottish households
Pulling the plug on home broadband connection is the last spending cut Scots would be willing to make in order to economise, according to new research from Clydesdale Bank.
Broadband Britain’s wasted millions
A new study published by O2 suggests that millions of broadband users in the UK are wasting money by buying broadband services based on speeds instead of needs.
BT passes 15 million broadband milestone
BT revealed that fifteen million homes and small businesses now access broadband over the company’s network. The milestone was passed in late August with more than five million of those connections being via BT Retail and the rest via other companies who benefit from equivalent access to the BT network.
Broadband bundle bargains overlooked by customers
Ofcom's latest Communications Market Report revealed that 47% of broadband customers do not take advantage of the savings offered by bundled packages, even though they can offer greater value for money and the convenience of dealing with one provider.
Virgin Media to publish broadband speeds each month
Nine out of ten people find broadband advertising misleading, according to new research from ICM. With many internet service providers (ISPs) advertising speeds of “up to” 20Mb or 24Mb while delivering an average speed of just 5Mb, there are high levels of consumer frustration (67%) with ISPs who routinely fail to deliver on their promises.
Vodafone portable mobile Wi-Fi and mobile broadband device
Vodafone have announced the launch of its new Digital Living Network Alliance (DLNA) certified Mobile Wi-Fi device, the R201.
BT serves-up Wi-Fi at Starbucks coffee houses in Germany
BT has signed a contract with Starbucks Coffee Company to provide wireless Internet access (Wi-Fi) across some 140 Starbucks coffee houses in Germany. The service has been installed in most of the locations over the last months and can be used free of charge for up to two hours.
Broadband bundle savings ignored
Michael Phillips, product director at, said: "The latest Ofcom report simply confirms what we have been saying for a while - that broadband has become indispensible to UK households, but is also the "forgotten" bill.
Choosing a broadband package on a student budget
Going without broadband is simply not an option for a generation that has come to rely on the internet, but on a student budget many baulk at the cost.
Best bundle deals for the start of the football season
With the new football season kicking off, Mike Wilson, manager of mobiles and broadband at, comments on the best bundle deals: "Hardcore football fans will still be reeling from the news that Sky Sports News will only be available if you have a subscription with Sky or Virgin Media.
Virgin Media to trial ultrafast broadband over electricity poles
Virgin Media announced that residents of the Welsh village of Crumlin, Caerphilly, will be the first in the UK to trial ultrafast broadband delivered over existing electricity poles.

O2 launches market leading mobile broadband tariff
O2 have launched a market leading £5 a month mobile broadband tariff which allows customers access to the internet for 30 days without being tied in to a long term tariff.
Average broadband speeds increase
The UK's most comprehensive broadband speeds research reveals that the UK's average actual fixed-line residential broadband speed has increased by over 25 per cent over the past year from 4.1Mbit/s to 5.2Mbit/s as internet service providers ("ISPs") increasingly move to offer higher speed broadband packages.