Car Insurance
Check last year’s policy to avoid paying a premium
As peak car insurance renewal season approaches, comments on the Which? campaign calling on insurance companies to show last year’s premium alongside renewal quotes.
Telematics to move from niche to mass market in 2014
Marking its fifth year in business, Wunelli, the source of driving data for the insurance sector has, through detailed analysis of the 764 million miles of driving data it has accumulated, established that insurers can determine the ultimate loss ratios of individual risks within weeks of a policy being incepted.
Black box technology continues to bring down cost of car cover
Telematics policyholders stand to save an extra £212(14.2 per cent) on the cost of their car insurance premiums, according to analysis by
MORE TH>N offers safe drivers 20% discount with launch of telematics app
MORE TH>N, UK insurer, has launched MORE TH>N DRIVE, a new telematics app which rewards safe drivers with up to 20% off their car insurance.

Whiplash changes welcome - but more needs to be done
Moves by the Government to make changes to the system of insurance claims around whiplash injury have been welcomed by almost all concerned – and whiplash reform is long overdue.
Drivers tricked with phantom insurance by spoof online fraudsters
NFU Mutual is urging drivers to consider the risk of ‘ghost brokers’ when insuring their car online.
One in six drivers ‘bump parks’ their car
British motorists are facing a £1bn repair bill every year as a result of parking incidents and ‘bump parking’. Almost one in six (16 per cent) drivers admit to regularly ‘bump parking,’ allowing their car to knock into other parked vehicles or the curb when getting into or out of parking spaces.
New drivers spend almost 5% of their annual income on car insurance
New drivers buying their first car are spending a higher proportion of their annual income on car insurance than more experienced drivers, according to recent analysis from MoneySuperMarket.
Care is key to saving money behind the wheel
More than a quarter of drivers who fail to take care of their car keys could end up in a costly jam, research suggests. enhances insurance comparisons with Defaqto has teamed up with financial research company Defaqto, in an exclusive partnership, to allow its customers to easily compare up to 30 additional policy features when searching for their car, home or pet insurance cover - and review the Defaqto star rating for each policy.
Lowest car insurance premiums in three years up for grabs
The cost of car insurance has fallen to a three year low, according to the latest analysis of 34 million car insurance quotes by MoneySuperMarket.
Night-time curfews not the answer for young drivers says The Co-op
Night-time restrictions on young drivers should not be part of the solution to increase safety on Britain's roads says The Co-operative Insurance.

Motorists install cameras to combat crash for cash claims
Motorists are installing video cameras in their cars to combat ‘crash for cash’ fraud claims.
Insurance premium excesses put Brits off claiming
Over the last three years, 7.4 million Brits voluntarily increased the excess on a car or home insurance policy when purchasing the cover, in order to lower their premium, according to research from Sainsbury's Bank.
Are car insurers encouraging fraud and exaggeration?
The Transport Select Committee has accused motor insurance companies of fanning the flames of fraud and personal injury exaggeration.