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Pet Insurance

Pets are a woman’s best friend

In a twist on the age-old saying, it seems that pets are actually a woman's best friend. Research commissioned by Tesco Pet Insurance, reveals that a third of female pet owners consider their pets to be their best friend compared to 20% of men.

Sainsbury's offers 20% online discount on pet insurance

Sainsbury's Finance is offering a 20% online discount for pet owners wishing to insure their cats and dogs between now and 4th August 2009 - the biggest online discount it has ever offered on its pet insurance.

3.8m pet cats and dogs have gone missing in the last five years

New research from Sainsbury's Finance indicates that 12% of people who own or have owned a cat during the past five years have suffered from them going missing, and the corresponding figure for dog owners is 4%.

Medical conditions affect one in eight pets under age of three

Cat and dog owners are putting their finances at risk by not insuring their pets as soon as they acquire them, according to Sainsbury's Finance.

Don't forget your pet insurance this RSPCA week

This RSPCA week (April 27 - May 3), is urging pet owners not to neglect pet insurance.

Killing with kindness

Over a third (35.9%) of over 50s own a cat or a dog and Saga knows how much they love their pets, but this Easter, many owners may be doing more harm than good. Saga Pet Insurance would like to remind the nation's pet owners that the chocolates and titbits they are lovingly feeding their pet may in fact be harmful to their health.

Make your pet a star with M&S

Everyone believes their cat or dog is the best, and now M&S Money is giving animal lovers the chance to show the world why.

Britain's pooches and moggies don't escape the credit crunch

It's not just people who are being affected by the current economic slump, according to Sainsbury's Finance, which offers good quality, competitively priced pet insurance.

Prevention better than cure for pets and cash-strapped owners

Pet owners who cut back on regular treatments for their animals increase the risk of expensive vet bills in the long-term, warns pet insurer M&S Money.

Pets suffering as recession bites deeper

There is growing evidence that the economic downturn is affecting peoples' ability to guarantee the wellbeing of their pets.

Rottweilers the most expensive dog to treat

Rottweilers are the most expensive breed of dog for veterinary treatment, according to new figures based on analysis of claims data released by Sainsbury's Finance.

Wanted: Lost pets cost owners small fortune in advertising

Dogs may be man's best friend, but nearly a third (30%) of animal loving Brits have had the misfortune to loose their pet cat or dog, with 13% of lost pets never being found reveals research by Saga Pet Insurance.

Sainsbury’s predict surge in demand for Portuguese water dogs

Following the Obama's announcement that their new pet dog will be a Portuguese Water Dog, Sainsbury's Bank is predicting that the resulting "Bark Obama effect" will lead to a surge in demand across the globe for this particular breed of dog.

Pets denied treatment because owners cannot afford vet bills

Many cats and dogs are being denied the recommended medical treatment for an illness or ongoing medical condition because their owners cannot afford it, according to research from Sainsbury's Finance.

ASDA aims high with pet Insurance re-launch

ASDA Financial Services is targeting a top three position in the pet insurance market with the launch of a new suite of products. Whilst Asda is one of the top providers of pet-related products within the marketplace, the improved product illustrates Asda's appetite for transferring this strength through to Financial Services through cross-sales.